Hoffman, Parker, King, Larsh, Ecker, Swope, Wooden,
Jones, of Cecil, Earle, Scott, Pugh, Turner, Edelen, Davis,
of Charles, Mitchell, Todd, Carter, Dail, Johnson, Smith, of
Dorchester, Hodson, Keefer, Schley, Markey, Annan, Baker,
Cunningham, Schlosser, Galloway, McComas, Hopper, Rus-
sell, Hopkins, Sands, Sykes, Chambers, Blackiston, Hollyday,
Lansdale, Peter, Duvall, Clarke, Marbury, Lee, Brown,
Wilmer, Morgan, Jones, of Somerset, Crawford, Gale, Hor-
sey, Valliant, Mullikin, Nyman, Negley, Mayhugh, Davis, of
Washington, Sneary, Smith, of Worcester,, Purnell, Murray.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Pugh submitted the following order:
Ordered, That there be appointed by the President a Revis-
ing Clerk, whose duty it shall be to correct the debates, as
directed by the Speaker, superintend the printing thereof, in-
dex the Journal of Proceedings, the Debates and the Constitu-
tion, and to perform such other duties as may be suggested
by the Committee on Reporting and Printing;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Bond submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instruc-
ted to inquire into the Expediency of providing as follows:
1st. That there shall be five Judges of the Court of Ap-
peals, who shall hold office during life, unless removed for
cause, with a salary of three thousand five hundred dollars
per annum each.
2nd. That there shall be one Judge for each county, who
shall reside at or near the capital or county town of his coun-
ty; who shall have and exercise all the powers and jurisdiction
in said county of the Circuit Courts of the respective counties,
including the jurisdiction in chancery, and also, in all matters
relating to testamentary affairs, with all the powers and juris-
diction of the Orphans' Courts; who shall hold their offices
during life, unless removed for cause, with a salary of three
thousand dollars per annum each.
3rd. That the State shall be divided into five districts, and
one Judge of the Court of Appeals shall be elected by the
qualified voters in each of said districts.
4th. That the State shall be also divided into ten Judicial
Districts, of two counties each, and two Judges shall be in
like manner elected for each of said districts, one of whom
shall reside in each of the counties composing the district.