WEDNESDAY, August 3d, 1864.
The Convention met at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Patterson.
All the Members present except the following:
Messrs. Berry, of Baltimore county, Berry, of Prince
George's, Billingsley, Brooks, Crawford, Dail, Davis, of
Charles, Dennis, Dent, Edelen, Henkle, Mace, Mayhugh,
Mitchell, Mulliken, Noble, Schlosser, Smith, of Dorchester,
Thomas, Thurston, Todd—21.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
On motion of Mr. Morgan,
It was ordered to be entered on the Journal, that the ab-
sence of Chapman Billingsley from his seat in the Conven-
tion is in consequence of continued indisposition.
Mr. Hebb, in accordance with notice given yesterday,
moved to amend Rule 44, of the Rules of the Convention, by
striking out the word "elected, " and inserting the word
"present; "
The question being on the adoption of the motion,
Mr. Clark demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Hoffman, Ridgely,
Abbott, Hopkins, Robinette,
Annan, Hopper, Russell,
Baker, Jones, of Cecil, Sands,
Carter, Keefer, Schley,
Cunningham, Kennard, Scott,
Cushing, King, Smith, of Carroll,
Daniel, Larsh, Sneary,
Davis, of Wash. » Markey, Stirling,
Dellinger, McComas, Stockbridge,
Earle, Murray, Swope,
Ecker, Negley, Sykes,
Farrow, Nyman, Valliant,