Strike out section 2 of the Report;
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Daniel submitted the following amendment:
Section 2, Insert after the word "office, " in the 16th line,
"both as Commissioner of the Land Office and Keeper of the
Chancery Records; "
Decided in the affirmative.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the amend-
ment submitted by Mr. Briscoe,
On motion of Mr. Chambers,
The further consideration of the section was informally
passed over.
Mr. Audoun submitted the following amendment:
Section 3. Strike out all after the word "be, " in line one,
as far as "his, " in line three, and insert the words "appoint-
ed by the Judges of the Court of Appeals for four years, and
shall be eligible to re-appointment; "
Mr. Miller moved to amend the amendment by striking out
the words "Judges of the Court of Appeals, " and insert the
word "Governor; "
Decided in the negative.
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted
by Mr. Audoun,
It was decided in the negative.
Mr. Peter submitted the following amendment:
Section 3. Strike out all after the word "the, " in the first
line, and insert the words:
"The State Librarian shall be elected by the qualified
voters of the State on the —— day of —— in the year ——,
who shall hold his office for the term of six years from the
first day of January next after his election. His salary shall
be fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and there shall be no
other perquisites or fees to his office; "
Decided in the negative.
Mr. King submitted the following amendment:
Section 3. Strike out in the third line the word "fifteen, "
and insert the word "ten; "