Mr. Hebb gave notice that he would on to-morrow move to
amend Rule 44, of the Rules of the Convention, by striking
out the word ''elected" in the 6th line, and inserting the
word "present, "
On motion of Mr. Stockbridge,
The report of the Committee to consider and report respect-
ing the appointment, tenure of office, duties and compensation
of all civil officers not embraced in the duties of other Stand-
ing Committees,
Was taken up.
Mr. Stockbridge submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 1. Amend by striking out from "stockholder" in 9th
line, to "use" in line 11, and insert: "said Board of Public
Works shall require the Directors of all said Public Works,
from time to time, and as often as there shall be any change
in the rates of toll on any of said Works, to furnish to said
Board a schedule of such modified rates of toll and shall, "
Decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Purnell submitted the following amendment:
Section 1, line 2, after the word "who, " insert the words
"or a majority of them; "
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Hebb submitted the following amendment:
Section 1, after the word "law, " in the 26th line, insert
the words "and a majority of them shall be competent to
act; "
Decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Bond submitted the following amendment:
Section 1, line 25, after the word "as, " insert the words
"have been used and practised by the existing board; "
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Parran submitted the following amendment:
Section 1, line 26, strike out the word "hereafter; "
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Schley submitted the following amendment:
Amend by striking out the word Legislature wherever it