The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Dennis, Lee,
Belt, Duvall, Marbury,
Berry, of P. Geo. Edelen, Mitchell,
Blackiston, Harwood, Miller,
Bond, Henkle, Morgan,
Briscoe, Hollyday, Parran,
Brown, Horsey, Peter,
Chambers, Johnson, Smith, of Dor.,
Clarke, Jones, of Som. Wilmer—28.
Davis, of Charles, Lansdale,
Messrs. Galloway, Pugh,
Goldsborough, P't Greene, Purnell,
Abbott, Hatch, Ridgely,
Annan, Hebb, Robinette,
Audoun. Hopkins, Russell,
Baker, Hopper, Schley,
Barron, Jones, of Cecil, Smith, of Carroll,
Cunningham, Keefer, Sneary,
Cushing, Kennard, Stirling,
Dail, King, Stockbridge,
Daniel, Mullikin, Swope,
Davis, of Wash., Murray, Sykes,
Dellinger, Negley, Thomas,
Earle, Nyman, Wickard,
Ecker, Parker, Wooden—45.
The question upon its adoption was decided in the ne-
The question next being on the adoption of section 2d as
Mr. Berry, of Prince George's, demanded the yeas and
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Greene, Purnell,
Goldsborough, P't Hatch, Ridgely,
Abbott, Hebb, Robinette,