The apportionment of the delegates among the several coun-
ties and the city of Baltimore shall remain the same as pro-
vided by the present Constitution, until the second election
held for members of the House of Delegates after the adop-
tion of this Constitution; and the General Assembly shall
hereafter elect United States Senators and all officers who are
elected by the Legislature, by a concurrent vote of the two
Houses, and not by joint ballot; "
Mr. Berry, of Prince George's, demanded the yeas and
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Crawford, Hollyday,
Blackiston, Davis, of Charles, Lansdale,
Bond, Duvall, Marbury,
Briscoe, Edelen, Mitchell,
Brown, Harwood, Miller,
Chambers, Henkle, Morgan,
Clarke, Hodson, Wickard—20.
Messrs. Hatch, Pugh,
Goldsborough, P't Hebb, Purnell,
Abbott, Hopkins, Ridgely,
Annan, Hopper, Robinette,
Audoun, Horsey, Russell,
Baker, Johnson, Sands,
Barron, Jones, of Cecil, Schley,
Berry, of P. Geo., Jones, of Som. Smith, of Carroll,
Cunningham, Keefer, Smith, of Dor.
Cushing, Kennard, Sneary,
Dail, King, Stirling,
Daniel, Larsh, Stockbridge,
Davis, of Wash., Lee, Swope,
Dellinger, Mullikin, Sykes,
Dennis, Murray, Thomas,
Earle, Negley, Todd,
Ecker, Nyman, Valliant,
Farrow, Parker, Wilmer,
Galloway, Peter, Wooden—57.
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the