Payments to Attorneys employed by the Governor or other Officers of the State, from July 4th, 1. 851, to May
7th, 1864.
May 31.
To Robert J. Brent, State vs. Hanaway,.....................................
$1, 200 00
" James Cooper, " " ".....................................
1, 000 00
June 4.
" Otho Scott and Jas. M. Buchanan, Comm'rs to Pennsylvania in case of Archi-
bald G. Ridgely,.....................................................
1, 500 00
April 25.
" Robt. J. Brent, State vs, Milburn, Crain & Lee,............................
600 00
June 6.
" Jas. Lloyd Martin, State vs. Theodore Loockerman,........................
450 00
" Otho Scott, State of Pennsylvania vs. Archibald G. Ridgely,.................
562 50
" James M. Buchanan, State of Pennsylvania vs. Archibald G. Ridgely,........
562 50
Feb'y 17.
" Henry M. Murray, State vs. W. M. Chauvenet,............................
100 00
April 3.
" Chas. F. Mayer, Thomas vs. Owens, Treasurer,............................
200 00
" Jervis Spencer, " " " "...........................
200 00
Sept. 21.
" A. R. Sollers, State vs. T. G. Worthington,...............................
450 00
Feb'y 1.
" Henry M. Murray, State vs. McPherson Lyles,...........................
100 00
" Bradley T. Johnson, " " Flannigan,...................................
100 00
Amount carried forward,...............................................
$7, 025 00