this unit of representation, and assigning to the counties hav-
ing the largest fractions one additional - member until the
whole reaches eighty members, the above apportionment is
Which, with the resolutions.
On motion of Mr. Clarke,
Was referred to the Committee on the Basis of Represen-
The resolution submitted by Mr. Negley, on Tuesday, in
reference to representation,
Was taken up.
On motion of Mr. Stockbridge,
The said resolution was referred to the Committee on the
Basis of Representation.
Mr. Nyman submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Legislative Depart-
ment inquire into the propriety of abolishing the clause in our
present Constitution disqualifying any Minister or Preacher
of any denomination from being eligible as Senator or Dele-
Which was adopted.
Mr. Stockbridge submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Rights, Duties, Divi-
sions and Sub-divisions of Counties, be instructed to inquire
into the expediency of dividing the several counties of the
State into Wards or Townships, in place of the present Elec-
tion Districts; such Wards or Townships to be permanent
political incorporations, and vested with all powers necessary
for their local government;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Belt submitted the following resolution:
Resolved, That if the principle contained in the resolution
of the gentleman from Washington county, be correct, in as-
serting that, under a republican system, population is the
true basis of representation, excluding all classes not endowed
with the right of suffrage, then the authors of the Constitu-
tion of the United States were uninformed of the principles
of republicanism, in that they admitted all free persons, and