MONDAY, May 9th, 1864.
The Convention met.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Patterson.
The proceedings of Saturday were read.
The resolutions submitted by Mr. Clarke, on Friday last, in
reference to representation in the Senate and House of Dele-
Were taken up.
By general consent, the resolutions were amended by Mr.
Clarke, so as to add, at the end of the second resolution, as
' Or in case the said Committee shall determine that it is
expedient, in the organization of the House of Delegates, to
adopt a principle more nearly approximating representation
according to population, (Baltimore city inclusive, ) then the
said Committee shall inquire whether a provision ought to be
inserted in the Constitution dividing the city of Baltimore
into districts, each district to elect two members of the House
of Delegates, and, as the purity of elections is the best safe-
guard of republican institutions, providing for the passage
by the Legislature of a registry law for the whole State. "
Mr. Clarke also submitted the following: