Davis, of Wash., Murray, Wickard
Earle, Negley, Wooden—31.
Ecker, Nyman,
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the
The Report of the Committee on the Legislative Depart-
Was taken up,
Mr. Ridgely gave notice that at the proper time he would
submit the following amendment to the 39th section of the
Report: ,
Sec. 39. The Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer of the
State, are hereby authorized conjointly, or any two of them,
to sell from time to time according to their best judgment the
State's interest in the works of Internal Improvement, wheth-
er as stockholder or creditor, also the State's interest in any
Banking Corporation, and to apply the proceeds arising there-
from towards the payment of the public debt of the State;
and after the public debt shall have been fully paid off, or
the sinking fund shall be equal to its liquidation, the excess
of such sales shall be set apart as a permanent fund for the
support of public education; provided however, that the
power hereby conferred, shall only be exercised when the
proceeds of such sales can be converted into a like amount of
the public debt; and provided further, that the State's interest
in the Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road, shall be and is hereby reserved and excepted from the
sale hereby authorized; and provided further, that the State's
interest in or claim against the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal,
the Tide Water Canal, and the Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal may be sold, upon the best terms which may be obtain-
ed for the same.
Mr. Chambers gave notice that he would submit the follow-
ing amendment:
Sec. 39. It shall be the duty of the Legislature at its first
session after the adoption of this Constitution, to provide by
law for the sale to the highest bidder of all or such part of
the stock owned by this State in any Rail Road or Canal
Company, and of the debt due to this State by any Rail Road
or Canal Company as can be sold or exchanged for not less
than an equal amount of the present public or stock debt of
this State, and to convey the interest so sold to the purchaser
or purchasers thereof; and so to proceed from time to time