The question upon the motion of Mr. Negley to return to
the consideration of the 42d article was then decided in the
affirmative by yeas and nays as follows:
Messrs.. Hollyday, Mullikin,
Goldsborough, P't Hopkins, Murray,
Annan, Hopper, Negley,
Belt, Johnson, Parker,
Carter, King, Russell,
Dail, Lee, Sands,
Davis, of Charles, Mace, Smith, of Carroll,
Ecker, Markey, Smith, of Dor.,
Galloway, McComas, Swope,
Harwood, Mitchell, Sykes,
Henkle, Miller, Wickard—34.
Hoffman, Morgan,
Messrs. Davis, of Wash., Larsh,
Abbott,. Dent, Nyman,
Barron, Earle, Pugh,
Brooks, Greene, Schley,
Chambers, Hatch, Sneary,
Cunningham, Jones, of Som., Stirling,
Cushing, Keefer, Stockbridge,
Daniel, Kennard, Wooden—23.
Mr. Negley submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 42. Amend by inserting after the word "otherwise, "
in the sixth line, "and upon the further condition that no
director or other officer of said corporation shall borrow any
money from said corporation; and if any director or other
officer shall be convicted upon indictment of directly or indi-
rectly violating this article, he shall be punished by fine or
imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court;
The question being on the adoption of the amendment,
Mr. Stirling demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Henkle, Mullikin,
Goldsborough, P't Hoffman, Murray,
Abbott, Hollyday, Negley,