scribed by law. The term of office of said County and City
Surveyors respectively, shall commence on the first Monday
of January next succeeding their election. And vacancies in
said office of Surveyors, by death, resignation or removal
from their respective counties or city, shall be filled by the
Commissioners of the counties, or the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore respectively.
Sec. 7. The qualified voters of Worcester county shall, on
the day of in the year
and every two years thereafter,
elect a Wreck Master for said county, whose duties and com-
pensation shall be the same as are now prescribed or may be
hereafter prescribed by law; the term of office of said Wreck
Master shall commence on the first Monday of January next
succeeding his election, and a vacancy in said office by death,
resignation or removal from the county, shall be rilled by the
County Commissioners of said county for the residue of the
term thus made vacant.
Sec. 8. The General Assembly may provide by law for the
election or appointment of such other officers as may be re-
quired and are not herein provided for, and prescribe their
powers and duties, but the tenure of office and mode of ap-
pointment of all county officers shall be uniform and their
powers and duties shall be similar throughout the State.
Sec. 9. All persons holding any office under Article seven
of the present Constitution, whether by appointment or elec-
tion, and whose offices are not abolished by this Constitution,
shall continue to hold their respective offices for the periods
for which they have been elected or appointed, and until their
successors shall be duly elected or appointed, and shall qual-
ify according to law.
Which was read the first time.
On motion of Mr. Daniel, it was
Ordered, That the use of this Hall be granted to the Blind
Asylum of Baltimore on Wednesday evening next, the first
of June, for the purpose of holding a concert.
By general consent, Mr. Cushing withdrew the notice
given yesterday in reference to Rule forty-three, (page 91, )
and gave notice that on to-morrow he would move to amend
Rules forty-two and forty-three as follows:
Amend Rule forty-two by striking out the words, "on the
final passage of a report or. "
Amend Rule forty-three by striking out all after the word
"Journal" in the third line.