Mr. SOLLERS said:
That he had not meant to cast any imputation
upon the clerk in St. Mary's. Every single
charge was a legal one, for he had gone down
there and examined the account, to see whether
he could not increase his own. In the casein
Calvert the investigation had been long and tedious,
the evidence being entirely circumstantial;
so that he considered the cases as equal.
Mr. MAGRAW moved the previous question,
and being seconded,
The question recurred on the adoption of the
amendment as offered by Mr. Bowie.
Mr Dorsey moved for a division of the ques-
tion, which was slated on striking out;
Mr. Bowie, moved that the question be taken
by yeas and nays;
Which being ordered,
Appeared as follows:
Affirmative.—Messrs. Morgan, Blakistone, Dent,
Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Dorsey, Wells Kent.
Sellman, Weems, Sollers, Buchanan, Ridgely,
Lloyd, Sherwood of Talbot, Colston, John Den,
nig, Dashiell, Williams, Hicks, Hodson, Golds-
borough, Eccleston, Phelps, Miller, Bowie,
Tuck, Sprigg, McCubbin, Wright, Dirickson,,
McMaster, Fooks, Jacobs, Thomas, Shriver,
Gaither, Annan, Stephenson, Magraw, Carter,
Schley, Fiery, Neill John Newcomer, Harbine,
Davis, Kilgour, Waters, Anderson, Weber, Hol-
lyday, Fitzpatrick, Smith, Shower and Brown
Negative— Messrs. Randall, Bond, Brent, of
Charles, Jenifer, Welch, Bowling, Spencer,
George, Sappington, McHenry, Nelson, Thaw-
ley, Stewart, of Caroline, Hardcastle, Gwinn,
Stewart of Baltimore city, Ware, Michael New-
comer, Brewer, Parke, Ege and Cockey—21.
So the Convention agreed to strikeout.
The question was then stated upon accepting
the amendment as offered by Mr. BOWIE.
Mr. BOWIE moved that the question be taken
by yeas and nays,
Which being ordered,
Appeared as follows:
Affirmative—Messrs. Randall, Sellman, Sollers,
Brent, of Charles, Jenifer, Howard, Buchanan,
Ridgely, Miller, Bowie, Tuck, Sprigg, McCubbin.
Bowling, McHenry, Magraw, Nelson, Neill,
Smith and Shower—30.
Negative—Messrs. Blakistone, Pres't, pro. tem.,
Dent, Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Dorsey, Wells,
Kent Weems, Bond, Welch, Lloyd, Sherwood
of Talbot, Colston, John Dennis, Dashiell,
Williams, Hicks, Hodson, Goldsborough, Eccleston,
Phelps, Spencer, George, Wright,
Dirickson, McMaster, Fooks, Jacobs, Thomas,
Shriver, Gaither, Annan, Sappington, Stephen-
son, Thawley, Stewart of Caroline, Hard-
castle, Gwinn, Stewart of Baltimore city,
Ware, Schley, Fiery, John Newcomer, Har-
bine, Michael Newcomer, Davis, Kilgour,
Brewer. Anderson, Weber, Hollyday Fitzpatrick,
Parke, Ege and Brawn—55.
So the Convention refused to accept the
amendment. |
The question then recurred on the adoption of
the amendment as offered by Mr. RICAUD.
Mr. THAWLEY moved the Convention adjourn
Determined in the negative.
The question again recurred upon the adoption
of the amendment as offered by Mr. RICAUD,
Determined in the affirmative.
The question then recurred upon the adoption
of the substitute as offered by Mr JOHN NEW-
COMER, for the amendment as amended, as fol-
"The Legislature at its first session after the
adoption of this Constitution, shall reduce and so
graduate the fees and perquisites of the several
clerks of the count, of common law and equity,
and registers of wills of this State, that no one of
them shall receive more than a fair and reasonable
compensation for performing the duties of his
The question being taken upon accepting the
substitute, it was
Determined in the negative.
The question then recurred and was taken on
the adoption of the amendment as offered by Mr.
Determined in the affirmative.
The article was then read and adopted as the
2lst article of the Constitution,
Mr. SPENCER gave notice, that on to-morrow
he should move to reconsider the vote of the
Convention on the article just adopted, for the
purpose of moving to strike out the same and sub-
stitute the following in lieu of it:
"The Legislature shall at its first session after
the adoption of this Constitution, provide by
law for a plain and uniform rate of fees in the
offices of county clerks and registers of wills in
this State, and fur fixed salaries to the clerks.
and registers thereof, to be paid out of the fees of
said offices."
Mr. RANDALL, with the unanimous consent of
the Convention, submitted the following order:
Ordered, that the committee on revision be au-
thorised to contract fur the expeditious printing
and circulation of the Constitution, as prepared
by this Convention, provided the cost thereof do
not exceed fifteen hundred dollars.
Mr. RANDALL said that it had occurred to the
committee on revision, that unless immediate
steps should be taken for the publication of the
Constitution, in the progress of its preparation,
it could not be circulated in time for the people to
read it, and beaware of its contents, when called
upon to vote upon it. They thought the best plan
would be to contract with some printer to take
their pages as fast as sanctioned by the Convention,
to put them in type, and correct them as the
Convention should make changes, until it was
completed. In that way, by the day after the
adjournment, it would be ready for the press.
They would then commence the circulation at
once in the remotest parts of the State, and so on
until all should be supplied. The committee
wished for instruction with regard to the number
to be printed, and as to the mode of printing. It
might be printed in a pamphlet form, of as an |