Bowling, Spencer, Grason, George, Wright,
Dirickson, McMaster, Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs,
Shriver, Johnson, Gaither, Annan, Stephenson,
McHenry, Magraw, Nelson, Carter, Stewart, of
Caroline, Schley, Fiery, Neill, John Newcomer,
Harbine, Michael Newcomer, Brewer, Waters,
Anderson, Weber, Hollyday, Smith, Parke,
Cockey and Brown—61.
Negative—Messrs. Weems, Dalrymple, Welch,
Colston, McCullough, Thawley, Gwinn, Stewart,
of Baltimore city, Brent, of Baltimore city. and
So the 31st section as amended was adopted.
Mr. GEORGE moved further to amend the re-
port by inserting as the 33d section, the following:
"The qualified voters of every ward in the city
of Baltimore, and of every election district in the
counties, shall meet in their respective wards and
districts, on the first Monday of August in every
year, and elect three judges of election, who
shall preside over all elections in their respective
wards and districts for one year next ensuing
their election, and until their successors are
elected; and shall posses the powers and perform
the duties of the present judges of election, in
such manner as now is or hereafter shall be pre-
scribed by law."
At 20 minutes past 3 o'clock, p. m.
Mr. GEORGE moved that the Convention ad-
Mr. WEEMS moved that the question be taken
by yeas and nays,
Which being ordered, appeared as follows:
Affirmative—Messrs. Chapman, Pres't, Dent,
Ricaud, Lee, Dorsey, Wells, Randall, Bond, How-
ard, Bell, Welch, John Dennis, James U.Dennis,
Dashiell, Williams, Hodson, Goldsborough, Phelps,
McCullough, Miller, Sprigg, Bowling, Grason,
George, Wright, McMaster, Jacobs, Shriver,
Johnson, Magraw, Carter, Thawley, Gwinn,
Stewart, of Baltimore city, Brent ,of Baltimore city,
Ware, Schley, Waters, Anderson, Hollyday and
Negative—Messrs. Morgan, Blakistone, Hope-
well, Weems, Lloyd, Sherwood of Talbot, Cols-
ton, Hicks, Bowie, Spencer, Dirickson, Gaither,
Annan, Stephenson, McHenry, Stewart, of Car-
oline, Hardcastle, Neill, John Newcomer, Harbine,
Michael Newcomer, Brewer, Weber, Parke,
Cockey and Brown—26,
So the motion was agreed to.
And the Convention accordingly adjourned
until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock..
TUESDAY, May 6th, 1851.
The Convention met at nine o'clock.
Prayer was made by the Rev. Mr. GRAUFF.
The roll was called.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. RICAUD, the President pro tem., directed
that it be entered on the journal that Mr. MITCHELL
is detained from his seat by indisposition.
Mr. WARE presented sundry accounts from |
No. 1 to 30, inclusive, for subscription for news-
papers, &c., not acted upon by the committee. ,
Which was read, and
Referred to the committee on accounts.
On motion of Mr. JACOBS, it was
Ordered, That it be entered on the journal
that Samuel J. Lambden, an officer of the Con-
vention, is detained from his post of duty by the
sickness and death of one of his family, and by
the continued sickness of another member of his
On motion of Mr, STEPHENSON, it was
Ordered, That it be entered upon the journal
that Mr. SAPPINGTON is detained from his seat
by the illness of a member of his family,
On motion of Mr. BELL, it was
Ordered, That the committee to consider and
report respecting the appointment, tenure of of-
fice, duties and compensation of all civil officers,
not embraced in the duties of other standing com-
mittees, be requested to enquire into the expedi-
ency and report in favor of having supervisors of
roads elected by the qualified voters of each elec-
tion district throughout the counties.
Mr. STEWART, of Baltimore city, presented a
memorial of Coats & Glenn, Burns & Sloan,
Thomas & Price, and others, dealers in lumber
in the city of Baltimore, in opposition to the pre-
sent system of inspection of lumber.
Which was read, and
Referred to the committee on inspections.
Mr. CARTER presented two petitions of sundry
citizens of the State, praying a change in the li-
cense system of the State.
Which were severally read, and
Referred to the select committee already ap-
pointed on that subject.
Mr, BROWN being in the chair.
Mr. RICAUD from the committee on printing,
submitted the following order :
"Ordered, That the bound copies of the de-
bates of the Convention be placed in the State
Library, and subject to the following distribu-
tion : one copy each to be delivered to the order
of the President, Members and Officers of the
Convention, one copy for the reporter and
each of his assistants, one copy to the order
of the Governor and Secretary of State, one copy
to the Chancellor and the members of the judi-
ciary, one copy for the Librarian, one copy for
the clerk of the court of Appeals, and the resi-
due subject to the order of the legislature of the
Which was read
Mr. MORGAN asked, why members of the leg-
isture should have copies given them? They
certainly had no claim to any.
Mr. BLAKISTONE moved to amend the order
by striking out before the words "one copy,"
and substituting in lieu thereof; "two copies."
Mr. B. said:
That when this proposition was originally
adopted, the understanding was, that each mem-
ber of the Convention should be entitled to three
copies, and now it seemed they were to have but
one. If any body was to go without copies, let
it not be members of this Convention, who had a
prior claim to other persons. |