first session after the adoption of this Constitu-
tion, to pass a bill for taking the sense of the
qualified voters of this State at the next ensuing
general election of delegates, touching the basis
of representation in the House of Delegates, and
providing that at such election the voters shall
vote for or against "population as the basis;"
and if a majority of the votes as then cast shall
be for population as the basis, the legislature at
judgment of the Convention?" It was
Decided in the affirmative.
So the amendment was ruled out of order.
The question then recurred on seconding the
demand for the previous question.
On notion of Mr. MORGAN,
The Convention was called.
On motion of Mr. SHERWOOD, of Baltimore
Further proceedings under the call were dis-
pensed with.
The question then recurred on the motion of
Mr. HOWARD, for the previous question,
Mr. BOWIE moved the question be taken by
yeas and nays;
Which motion was not sustained.
The previous question was then seconded.
The question was then stated to be on the
amendment offered by Mr. JOHNSON to the propo-
sition of Mr. CHAMBERS.
Mr. CHAMBERS. Have I the privilege of ac-
cepting the amendment as a part of my proposi-
The PRESIDENT. The Chair thinks not, unless
it is done by unanimous consent.
Objection was made.
Mr. CHAMBERS. The gentleman from Fred-
erick and myself had a distinct understanding,
that we should take the vote on the several pro-
positions, seriatim, first on the districting of the
city of Baltimore, second on the mode of district-
ing as proposed in my proposition, and then on
the proposition to district the counties.
Mr. THOMAS. I only spoke as an individual;
I cannot prescribe a rule for the House. I with-
drew my amendment with that understanding.
The question was again stated to be on agree-
ing to the amendment of Mr. JOHNSON.
Mr. STEWART, of Baltimore city, demanded
the yeas and nays, which were ordered, and be-
ing taken, were as follows:
Affirmative—Messrs. Chapman, Pres't., Dent,
Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Chambers of Kent
Mitchell, Donaldson, Dorsey, Wells, Randall,