would gain by the adoption of the order, and
thought they would lose. If they should have
these sessions, gentlemen next morning would
consume more than one hour in correcting the
proceedings of the previous afternoon, and it
they should lose this one-hour, they should be
precisely where they were under the present
rules, if they should extend their sessions to four
o'clock. For these reasons he should vote
against the order.
Mr. BUCHANAN said:
That he had universally opposed all evening
or night sessions, and in feeling was utterly op-
posed to all such propositions now. He concur-
red with the gentleman from Anne Arundel, in
his views.
The presumption was, that they would spend
much more time in rectifying mistakes of the
previous evening, than they would gain by hav-
ing these sessions. But he desired to test the
matter. He had been there from the commence-
ment of the session to the present moment, all
the time, and he wished to ascertain whether
gentlemen, who were urging this proposition now
upon the ground that they desired to expedite
and bring to a conclusion, the business of the
Convention, would carry on that result to the
end, and remain with them.
He would be perfectly content to try the ex-
perimerit, if he thought any good could grow out
of it; but he did not believe this would be the
case; and for the purpose of testing it, he would
vote for evening sessions.
The question was then taken on the motion of
Mr. BOWIE, to strike out "two" and insert
"three," and
it was agreed to.
Mr. MCHENRY moved to strike out "four"
and insert "six."
Which was not agreed to.
Mr. HOWARD moved to strike out "ten" and
insert "nine," stating that if this should be
agreed to, he would call a division of the ques-
tion. He was perfectly willing to meet at nine
and sit till three, and he thought that this would
be as long as they could remain in session use-
Mr. BISER asked the yeas and. nays on the
Which were ordered,
And being taken, were as follows:
Affirmative—Messrs. Morgan, Blakistone, Hopewell,
Ricaud, Lee, Chambers, of Kent, Mitchell,
Donaldson, Dorsey, Randall, Kent, Weems,
Dalrymple, Bond. Jenifer, Howard, Bell, Col-
ston, Crisfield, Hicks, Hodson, Eccleston, Phelps,
Spencer, Grason, George, Wright, Dirickson,
McMaster, Fooks, Shriver, Biser, Sappington,
Stephenson, McHenry, Magraw, Nelson, Hard-
castle, Fiery, Michael Newcomer, Kilgour,
Brewer, Waters, Anderson, Fitzpatrick, Parke,
Shower, Cockey and Brown—48. |
Negative—Messrs. Wells, Sellman, Buchanan,
Lloyd, John Dennis, James U. Dennis, Constable,
Chambers of Cecil, Miller, McLane,
Bowie, Tuck, McCubbin, Bowling, Thomas,
Gaither, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline, Gwinn,
Brent of Baltimore city, Ware, Weber, Holly-
day, Slicer and Smith—25.
So the amendment was adopted.
Mr. WARE said:
That they had already lost more time than
they could gain by the adoption of this proposi-
tion, and he would, therefore, move to fay it on
the table.
Mr. STEPHENSON asked the yeas and nays on
the motion, which were ordered, and being ta-
ken, resulted as follows:
Affirmative—Messrs. Morgan, Ricaud, Cham-
bers, of Kent, Mitchell, Donaldson, Dorsey, Wells,
Randall, Kent, Weems, Dalrymple, Buchanan,
Crisfield, Hicks, Hodson, Phelps, Constable, Mil-
ler, McLane, Bowie. McCubbin, Bowling, Spen-
cer, Grason, George, Wright, Dirickson, Fooks,
Johnson, Gaither, Brent, of Baltimore city. Ware,
Kilgour, Waters, Anderson, Hollyday and Slicer—
Negative—Messrs. Blakistone, Hopewell, Lee,
Sellman, Bond, Jenifer, Howard, Bell, Lloyd,
Colston, John Dennis, James U. Dennis, Eccle-
ston, Tuck, McMaster, Thomas, Shriver, Biser,
Sappington, Stephenson, McHenry, Magraw, Nel-
son, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline, Hardcastle,
Gwinn, Fiery, Michael Newcomer, Brewer,
Weber, Smith, Parke, Shower, and Cockey—35.
So the order was laid on the table.
Mr. THOMAS submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Secretretary have lithogra-
phed five hundred copies of the map, which has
been prepared for the use of the Convention.
The question being on the adoption of the or-
Mr, CHAMBERS, of Kent, moved to amend by
adding thereto the following proviso:
"Provided, That the cost shall not exceed fifty
Mr. THOMAS accepted the amendment, as a
part of the original proposition.
Mr. SPENCER desired to know the length of
time required to perform the work ?
Mr. THOMAS replied, that he supposed it would
take about ten days. He would state to the Con-
vention that he moved this order at the instance
of gentlemen in that body, who at the commence-
ment of the session were unfriendly to the districting
of the State. The question would per-
haps be brought before them, and it certainly
would be desirable, if they should go into such a
subject, that each member should have a copy of
the map before him.
Mr. HOWARD, it will take ten days to exe-
cute the work ? |