On Mr. Spencer's amendment con-
cerning explanations on points of
law in criminal trials, 19
On Mr. Hicks' amendment prohibit-
ing members of the Convention
from holding office, 205
On Mr. Jenifer's amendment to the
same effect as to practicing law-
yers, 206
On the amendment of Mr. Brent, of
Baltimore city, to the same effect,
touching Judges, &c., 206
On Mr. Ridgely's amendment as to
religious tests, 214
On Mr. Randall's amendment on
the same subject, 216
On Mr, Dorsey's amendment on the
same subject, 216
On Mr, John Newcomer's motion
to strike out 34th article of Bill of
Rights, 217
On Mr. Dashiell's amendment to
Preamble of Bill of Rights, 238
On Mr. Sprigg's amendment touch-
ing sessions of the Legislature, 266
On the amendment of Mr. Brent, of
Charles, on the same subject, 267
On Mr. Spencer's amendment on
the same subject, 267
On Mr. Phelps' amendment on the
same subject, 267
On Mr. Wells' amendment on the
same subject, 268
On Mr. McHenry's amendment on
the same subject, 268
On Mr. Spencer's amendment on
the same subject, 281, 282
On Mr. John Newcomer's amend-
ment on the same subject, 282
On seconding the Previous Question, 289
On second section of the Legislative
Report, as amended, 290
On motion to re-consider vote strik-
ing out certain words from the
third section of the Legislative
Report, 296
On Mr. Spencer's amendment as to
time of meeting of the Legislature, 296
On Mr. Wells' amendment as to
sessions of the Legislature, 301
On Mr. Thomas' amendment on the
same subject, 302
On the first branch of the amend-
ment of Mr. Stewart, of Caroline,
concerning the form in which Bills
shall be passed, 314
On another branch of the same
amendment, as to the form of re-
vising or amending laws, 318
On laying on the table Mr. Kilgour's
order for adjournment in honor
of Washington's birth-day, 325
On the adoption of the said order, 326
On the four several branches of Mr.
Schley's amendment to legisla-
tive Report, concerning the codi-
fication of the laws and the sim-
plification of pleadings, 326,327 |
On striking out 16th section of the
Legislative Report, 329
On Mr. Gwinn's substitute, 332
On Mr. Weems' motion to strike
out certain words from 18th sec-
tion of said Report, 335
On Mr. Donaldson's amendment
concerning the Public Debt, 355
On the several branches of Mr.
George's amendment on the same
subject, 355
On the several branches of Mr.
Neill's order, giving certain in-
structions to the committee on
Representation, 372,373
On laying on the table the motion
to re-consider the vote on the
first branch of the said order, 374
On the motion for leave to renew
the motion to re-consider, 375
On said renewed motion, 375
On the two branches of Mr. Jacobs'
amendment concerning the Public
Debt, &c., 378,379
On striking out 31st section of the
Legislative Report, 386
On the amendment of Mr. Chandler
concerning the eligibility of Min-
isters, &c., to seats in the Legis-
lature, 394
On re-considering the vote on the
21st section of the Legislative Re-
port, 395
On the second branch of the amend-
ment as to Levy Courts, 308
On the amendment of Mr. Phelps in
relation to duelling, 399
On the amendment of Mr. Fitzpat-
rick concerning Homestead Ex-
emptions, 401
On the exemption of certain desig-
nated amounts, 402
On laying the subject-matter of
Homestead Exemption on the
table, 402,406, 407
On Mr. Ridgely's amendment on
the same subject, 407, 409
On the amendment of Mr. Dent, 406
On re-considering Mr. Ridgely's
amendment, 410
On Mr. Ridgely's amendment, 411
On, the article as amended, 411
On Mr. McHenry's amendment con-
cerning the Public Debt, 423
On Mr. Constable's amendment on
the same subject, 424
On Mr. Chambers', of Kent, amend-
ment on the same subject, 424
On Mr, Donaldson's amendment on
the same subject, 424
On Mr. Davis' amendment concern-
ing appropriations of money for
Education, 425
On Mr. Merrick's motion to make
the Representation Question the
Special Order, 429
On Mr. Kilgour's do., 429 |