By Mr. Magraw from the select
committee on the Journal of Pro-
ceedings, 837
By Mr, Wells from the committee
on Accounts, in favor of the Li-
brarian, 841
By Mr. Neill from the committee
on Accounts in favor of John W.
Rider, 841
By Mr. Howard, of thanks to the
President of the Convention, 856
By Mr. John Newcomer of thanks
to Mr. Buchanan, President pro
tem. 871
By Mr. Stephenson of thanks to Mr.
Blakistone, President pro tem. 871
By Mr. Schley of thanks to Messrs.
Ricaud, Tuck, Biser, Brown,
Weems, and Morgan, as Presi-
dents pro tem. 872
By Mr. Howard authorizing the
President of the Convention to
draw for sums due for printing
and reporting, 876
By M. Ridgely Concerning the per
diem of members of the Conven-
tion, 877
By Mr. Spencer substitute therefor, 877
REVENUE BILLS. [See Legislative De-
REVISION, Committee on, Vol. I, 140,
Vol. II, 245, 248, 260,717, 769, 816,
869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875,
877, 878, 879, 889—[the final Re-
port of the engrossed Constitution.]
RICAUD, JAMES B., of Kent county.
Vol. I.
55, 58, 81, 83, 84, 88, 89, 95, 98, 99,
104, 105, 126, 269, 293, 305, 325,
326, 332, 429, 479
Vol. 2.
37, 243, 245, 291, 347, 366, 367,
497, 595, 700, 797, 739, 741, 742,
801, 802, 804, 871, 872
Attorney General and his Deputies, re-
marks on the Report on the office
of the, Vol. II, 37
Amendment to the Report, Vol. II, 38
Constitution, remarks on Order concern-
ing the printing and circulation of
copies of the amended, Vol. II, 804
Elective Franchise Report, remarks on
the, Vol. I, 58, 84, 89
Amendments to the, Vol. I, 81, 83, 88, 95
Judiciary Report, remarks on the,
Vol. II, 737,801
Amendments to the, Vol. II, 700, 727, 802
Legislative Report, amendment to the,
Vol. I, 305
Order concerning the bound copies of
the Register of Debates of the Con-
vention, Vol. II, 741,742
Report from the select committee on
the Rules, Vol. I, 325
Reporting of the Convention, remarks
on the Report of the committee on
Printing concerning, Vol. II, 245 |
Resolution concerning the sessions of
the Convention, Vol. II, 366
RIDER, JOHN W., [Committee Clerk,]
Vol. II, 841
RIDGELY, JAMES L„ of Baltimore
Vol. I.
34, 37,56, 65,66, 69, 73, 74,80, 87,
91,95, 97, 99, 104, 126, 149, 157,
158, 159, 176, 194, 199, 201, 204,
206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213,
277, 280, 282, 304, 336, 337, 338,
340, 355, 367, 381, 395, 397, 400,
406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 446, 448,
Vol. 2.
54, 347, 356, 446, 451, 457, 459, 573,
680, 581, 584, 591, 603, 604, 606,
728, 730, 731, 786, 809, 810, 816,
817, 818, 870, 874, 875, 877, 890
Absentees, remarks on (and amendment
to) resolution relating to, Vol. I, 34
Banks, liability of Directors and Stock-
holders of, motion to suspend the
rule in order to re-consider the vote
on the amendment to the Legisla-
tive Report, concerning the, Vol. II, 870
Remarks thereon, Vol. II, 870
Education, remarks on the Report on the
subject of, Vol. II, 810
Elective Franchise Report, remarks on
the. Vol. I, 37, 69, 73, 74, 80,91,95,97
Amendments to the, Vol. I. 91, 95, 99
Remarks on resolution to close debate
on the first section of the. Vol. I, 56
Executive Report, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 474,479
Hour of meeting, Order as to the, Vol. I, 65
Remarks thereon, Vol. I, 65, 66
Howard county, remarks concerning,
Vol. I, 347
Judiciary Report, remarks on the,
Vol. II, 580, 581,.584, 591, 728, 730, 731
Amendments thereto, Vol. II, 584, 591,
Legislative Report, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 277, 280, 282, 336, 337, 338,
367, 381, 397, 400, 406, 408, 410,
446, 448, Vol. II, 356
Amendments to the, Vol. I, 336, 338,
340, 381, 397, 407, 410, 448
Order concerning mileage to certain offi-
cers of the Convention, Vol. II, 875
Orders concerning the publication of the
amended Constitution, Vol. II, 875,877
Per diem of the President of the Conven-
tion, remarks concerning the, Vol. II, 874
Per diem of the members of the Conven-
tion, resolution concerning the,
Vol. II, 877
Remarks thereon, Vol. II, 877
Petitions presented by, Vol. I, 457, Vol.
II, 54,347,446
Public Works, remarks on the Report
creating a Board of, Vol. II, 451, 459
Representation Question, remarks on
the, Vol. II, 817, 818 |