Amendment to the report on the. Vol. II, 168
Instructions to the Committee on the,
Vol. I, 111
Rights, Bill of, remarks on the. Vol. I,
HALL, the, Order of Mr. Brent, of Bal-
timore city, concerning the purifica-
tion of, Vol. I, 139
Order of Mr. Magraw, concerning the
arrangement of seats in the. Vol. I, 149
Order of Mr. Biser to the same effect,
Vol. I, 207
HALL, WILLIAM, Postmaster to the
Convention, Vol. II, 865, 869, 871
HARBINE, THOMAS, of Washington
Vol. I.
25, 45, 66, 67, 76, 77, 82, 86, 105.
108, 118, 136, 148. 149, 213, 217,
243. 255, 267, 286, 290, 293, 296,
306, 313, 321, 339, 356, 369. 380,
381, 387, 388, 389, 396, 399, 400, 401
Vol. 2.
79, 163, 400, 405, 407, 486, 521,578,
585, 626, 660, 713, 730. 733, 758,
780, 804, 827, 850, 867, 874
Absentees, remarks on resolution as to,
Vol. I, 25
Constitution, remarks on the order con-
cerning the printing and circulation
of copies of the amended, Vol. II, 804
Constitution, remarks on the motion to
reconsider the vote on the article
prescribing the mode of altering the,
Vol. II, 850
County, new, remarks on the report pro-
viding for the formation of a, from
parts of Frederick and Washington,
Vol. II, 521
Elective Franchise Report, remarks on
the, Vol. I, 86
'Evening Sessions, remarks on the reso-
lution providing for, Vol. I, 77
Legislative Report, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 255, 306, 313, 321, 369, 380,
387, 388, 389, 399, 400
Amendments thereto, Vol. I. 381, 399
Judiciary Report, remarks on the, Vol. II,
Amendments thereto, Vol. II, 585, 660, 730
Meeting, hour of, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 66
Order relating to the absence of Mr.
Michael Newcomer, Vol. I, 25
Petitions presented by, Vol. I, 356,
Vol. II, 758
Public Works, remarks on the report
creating a Board of, Vol. II, 400,
Representation question, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 108, 136, 286, Vol. II, 79
Rights, Bill of, remarks on the, Vol. I,
Rule, remarks on amendment to the 23d,
Vol. I, 76
B |
county. Vol. II, 864
HEARN, E., of Worcester county,
Vol. I, 25, 402,411, Vol. II, 147,
Order relating to the absence of Mr. Ja-
cobs, Vol. I, 25
HERBERT. S.T., Door-keeper to the Con-
vention, Vol. II, 866
HICKS, THOMAS H., of Dorchester
Vol. I.
34 35. 40, 43, 55, 60, 63, 121, 126.
145, 151, 152, 155, 204, 205. 265,
267, 268, 313, 315, 402. 404, 411,
Vol. 2.
19, 147, 152, 153, 281,283,286,287,
376, 384, 385, 388, 502, 512, 513,
522, 523, 528, 536, 554, 573. 577,
580, 642, 643, 710, 843, 849, 851, 864
Civil Officers, remarks on the Report
concerning the appointment and ten-
ure of office of certain, Vol. II, 843
Committee Clerks, remarks on the mo-
tion to re-consider the vote of the
Convention, dispensing with the ser-
vices of certain, Vol. I, 529
Constitution, remarks on the Report con-
cerning future changes of the,
Vol. H, 376,384,385
Amendments to the Report, Vol. II, 376, 384
Elective Franchise Report, remarks on
the, Vol. I, 40, 60, 63
Judiciary Report, remarks on the,
Vol. II, 502, 512, 522, 523 528, 536,
Amendment thereto. Vol. II, 512, 513, 573
Legislative Report, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 265, 313, 315. 404. 411 Vol.
11, 281,283, 286,287
Amendments thereto, Vol. I, 102, 410,
411, Vol. II, 851
Order relating to evening sessions, Vol. I, 35
Order (substitute) concerning a daily re-
cess of the Convention, Vol. II, 642
Representation Question, remarks on
the. Vol. II, 19, 710
Rights, Bill of, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 151, 152, 155
Amendments to the, Vol. I, 145, 204, 205
HODSON, JOHN H„ of Dorchester coun-
ty. Vol. I, 338
Legislative Report, amendment to the,
Vol. I, 338
county. Vol. I, 340, 410, 428, 468,
Vol. II, 735,736
Executive Report, amendment to the,
Vol. I, 468
Legislative Report, amendment to the,
Vol. I, 410
Judiciary Report, amendments to the,
Vol. II. 735,736
Petition presented by, Vol. I, 428
Franchise.] |