contribute, unless on contract, to maintain any
place of worship or any ministry; nor shall any
person be deemed incompetent as a witness or
juror, who believes in the existence of a God,
and that under his dispensation such person will
be held morally accountable for his acts, and be
rewarded or punished therefor, either in this
world or the world to come.
Art. 34. That no other test or qualification
ought to be required on admission to any office
of trust or profit, than such oath of office as
may be prescribed by this Constitution, or by
the Laws of the State, and a declaration of be-
lief in the Christian religion; and if the party
shall profess to be a Jew, the declaration shall
be of his belief in a future state of rewards and
Art. 35. That every gift, sale or devise of
land to any minister, public teacher or preacher
of the gospel, as such, or to any religious sect,
order or denomination, or to or for the support,
use or benefit of, or in trust for any minister,
public teacher, or preacher of the gospel, as
such, or any religions sect, order or denomi-
nation, and every gift or sale of goods or chattels
to go in succession, or to take place after
the death of the seller or donor, to or for such
support, use or benefit; and, also, every devise
of goods or chattels, to or for the support, use
or benefit of any minister, public teacher or
preacher of the gospel, as such, or any religi-
ous sect, order or denomination, without the
leave of the Legislature, shall be void; except
always, any sale, gift, lease or devise of any
quantity of land not exceeding five acres for
a church, meeting house or other house of |
worship, or parsonage, or for a burying ground,
which shall be improved, enjoyed or used only
for such purpose; or such sale, gift, lease or
devise, shall be void.
Art. 36. That the manner of administering an
oath or affirmation to any person ought to be such
as those of the religious persuasion, profession or
denomination of which he is a member, gener-
ally esteem the must effectual confirmation by
the attestation of the Divine Being.
Art. 37. That the city of Annapolis ought to
have all its rights) privileges and benefits, agree-
ably to its Charter, and the Acts of Assembly
confirming and regulating the same; subject to
such alterations as have been or as may be made
by the legislature.
Art. 38. That the liberty of the press ought .
to be inviolably preserved.
Art. 39. That monopolies are odious, contrary
to the spirit of a free government and the prin-
ciples of commerce, and ought not to be suffered.
Art. 40. That no title of nobility or hereditary
honors ought to be granted in this State.
Art. 41. That the Legislature ought to en-
courage the diffusion of knowledge and virtue,
the promotion of literature, the arts, sciences,
agriculture, commerce and manufactures, and
the general melioration of the condition of the
An. 42. This enumeration of rights shall not
be construed to impair or deny others retained by
the people.
Art. 43. That this Constitution shall not be
altered, changed or abolished, except in the
manner therein prescribed and directed. |
Elective Franchise.
Sec. 1. Every free white male person of
twenty-one years of age or upwards, who shall
have been one year next preceding the election
a resident of the State, and for six months a
resident of the city of Baltimore, or of any
county in which he may offer to vote, and being
at the time of the election a citizen of the United
States, shall be entitled to vote in the ward or
election district in which he resides, in all elec-
tions hereafter to be held; and at all such elec-
tions the vole shall be taken by ballot. And in
case any county or city shall be so divided as to
form portions of different electoral districts for
the election of Congressmen, Senator, Delegate
or other officer or officers, then to entitle a per- |
son to vote for such officer, he must hive been a
resident of that part of the county or city which
shall form a part of the electoral district in
which he offers to vote, for six months next pre-
ceding the election, but a person who shall have
acquired a residence in such county or city en-
titling him to vote at any such election, shall be
entitled to vote in the election district from which
he removed, until he shall have acquired a resi-
dence in the part of the county or city to which
he has removed.
Sec. 2. That if any person shall give, or offer
to give directly or indirectly, any bribe, present
or reward, or any promise, or any security for
the payment or delivery of any money or any
other thing, to induce any voter to refrain from
casting his vote, or forcibly to prevent him in any
way from voting, or to obtain or procure a vote |