General Assembly of Maryland, after the adop-
tion of this Constitution, shall be annual, and
thereafter biennial."
Mr. BROWN suggested to Mr. BRENT, to ex-
tend the time to three or four years.
Some conversation followed on the point of
order, in which Mr. BROWN and the PRESIDENT,
pro tem., took part.
Mr. BRENT declined to accept the modifica-
tion of Mr. BROWN.
The question then recurred on the motion of
Mr. BRENT, of Charles.
Mr. McMASTER asked the yeas and nays,
which were ordered.
Some further conversation followed on a point
of order, in which Messrs. THOMAS and PRESST-
MAN, took part.
Mr. THOMAS suggested a certain modification
of the amendment of Mr. PHELPS, which lead to
further conversation upon a point of order.
The question was then taken on the amend-
ment of Mr. BRENT, of Charles, and resulted as
Affirmative-Messrs. Donaldson, Wells, Ran-
dall, Kent, Sellman, Brent, of Charles, Merrick,
Welch, Constable, Bowie, Sprigg, McCubbin,
Bowling, Gaither, Gwinn, Brent of Baltimore
city, Presstman, Ware, Davis, Brewer, Waters,
Hollyday, and Fitzpatrick-23.
Negative-Messrs. Tuck, President, pro tem.,
Morgan, Ricaud, Chambers, of Kent, Mitchell,
Dorsey, Dalrymple, Buchanan, Bell, Ridgely,
Lloyd, Dickinson, Sherwood, of Talbot, Colston,
John Dennis, Dashiell, Williams, Hicks, Hod-
son, Eccleston, Phelps, Chambers, of Cecil, Mil-
ler, Spencer, George, Wright, Dirickson, Mc-
Master, Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs, Thomas, Shri-
ver, Biser, Annan, Stephenson, McHenry, Nel-
son, Carter, Stewart, of Caroline, Hardcastle,
Stewart of Baltimore city, Schley, Fiery, Neill,
John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael Newcomer,
Weber, Smith, Parke, Shower, Cockey and
So the amendment was rejected.
Mr. SPENCER then offered the following amend-
Amend said second section by striking out all
after the words "term of," where they lastly oc-
cur, in the second line, and insert in lieu there-
of the following:
"One year from the day of the general elec-
tion, but the legislature shall have the right to
provide by law for biennial sessions."
And Mr. S. demanded the previous question
on the amendment.
There was a second; and
The main question was ordered to be now
Mr. HARBINE asked the yeas and nays, on the
amendment of Mr. SPENCER;
Which were ordered; and
Being taken, were as follows:
Affirmative— Messrs. TUCK, President, pro. tem..,
Morgan, Donaldson, Dorsey, Wells, Randall
Kent, Sellman, Merrick, Buchanan, Welch |
Constable, Chambers, of Cecil, Bowie, Sprigg,
McCubbin, Spencer, George, Wright, Shriver,
Biser, McHenry, Magraw, Presstman, Ware,
Davis, Anderson, Hollyday, Parke and Brown.
Negative-Messrs. Ricaud, Chambers of Kent,
Mitchell, Dalrymple, Brent of Charles, Bell,
Ridgely, Lloyd, Dickinson, Sherwood of Talbot,
Colston, John Dennis, Dashiell, Williams, Hicks,
Hodson, Eccleston, Phelps, Miller, Bowling
Dirickson, McMaster, Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs,
Thomas, Gaither, Annan, Stephenson, Nelson,
Carter, Stewart, of Caroline, Hardcastle, Gwinn,
Stewart of Baltimore city, Brent of Baltimore
city, Schley, Fiery, Neill, John Newcomer, Har-
bine, Michael Newcomer, Brewer, Waters,
Weber, Fitzpatrick, Smith, Shower and Cock-
So the amendment was rejected.
Mr. PHELPS now withdrew his substitute, and
moved to amend the said second section by fill-
ing the blank in the second line, with the words
"two years."
Some further conversation followed on apoint
of order, in which Messrs. PRESSTMAN, HAR-
BINE and PHELPS took part.
Mr. PHELPS demanded the previous question
on his amendment.
There was a second; and
The main question was ordered,
Mr, HICKS asked the yeas and nays on inc
Which were ordered, and
Being taken, resulted as follows:
Affirmative—Messrs. Ricaud, Chambers of
Kent, Mitchell, Dorsey, Dalrymple, Brent of
Charles, Bell, Ridgely, Lloyd, Dickinson, Sher-
wood of Talbot, Colston, John Dennis, Dashiell,
Williams, Hicks, Hodson, Eccleston, Phelps,
Bowling, Spencer, Dirickson, McMaster, Hearn,
Fooks, Jacobs, Thomas, Gaither, Annan, Ste-
phenson, Nelson, Carter, Stewart of Caroline,
Hardcastle, Stewart of Baltimore city, Schley,
Fiery, Neill, John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael
Newcomer, Davis, Brewer, Waters, Weber, Hollyday,
Fitzpatrick, Smith and Cockey—49.
Negative—Messrs. Tuck, President, pro km,
Morgan, Donaldson, Wells, Randall, Kent, Sell-
man, Merrick, Buchanan, Welch, Constable,
Chambers of Cecil,. Bowie, Sprigg, McCubbin,
Wright, Shriver, Biser, McHenry, Magraw,
Gwinn, Brent of Baltimore city, Presstman,
Ware, Anderson, Parke, Shower and Brown—28.
So the amendment was adopted.
Mr. WELLS offered the following amendment,
to come ill at the end of the section:
"Whenever the legislature may hereafter de-
termine to substitute biennial for annual sessions;
and in the meantime, and until then, said sessions
shall be annual, and the members of the House
of Delegates shall be elected annually."
Mr. CHAMBERS, of Kent, demanded the previ-
ous question on the amendment.
There was a second, |