those members were subjected, whose seats were
in that quarter of the Hall Opposite the commit-
tee room, by the constant passing and re-passing
of members and others, and he moved the ap-
pointment of a committee of three, whose duty
it should be to ascertain what alteration could
be made in the Hall that would add to the com-
fort and convenience of the members.
Ordered accordingly.
The committee was ordered to consist of the
following gentlemen :
Mr. STEPHENSGN offered the following or-
' "Ordered, That from and after the third day of
February next, this Convention will meet daily
at 10 o'clock, A. M., except Mondays,- on which
day the hour of meeting shall be 11 o'clock."
Mr. RIDGELY moved that the order be laid up-
on the table.
Mr. HARBINE asked the yeas and nays, which
were ordered, and being taken, were yeas 35,
n?ys 37.
So the motion was not laid on the table.
Mr. WARE moved to amend the order by mak-
ing Hie hour of meeting on Monday 12 o'clock.
Mr. STEPHENSON accepted the amendment.
Mr. JOHN NEWCOMER moved to amend, by
making the hour of meeting on Monday ten in-
stead of twelve.
Mr. STEPHENSON accepted the amendment.
And by ayes 21, noes 34, the amendment was
The yeas and nays were called for by Mr. DA-
SHIELL, and after some conversation on a point of
order, were taken, and were yeas 40, nays 37.
So the amendment was adopted.
Mr. MORGAN moved a call of the House.
Mr. BUCHANAN seconded the motion.
The call was ordered, and the roll of the mem-
bers was called.
On motion of Mr. McHENRY, all further pro-
ceedings on the call were dispensed with.
After some further conversation, the reading
of the resolution was called for, and its confused
.phraseology, as amended, give rise to some merri-
Mr. TUCK moved to amend by substituting the
hour of half-past eleven on Monday.
The amendment was rejected.
Mr. MeMjisTER moved to lay the whole sub-
ject on the table.
Mr. STEPHENSON asked the yeas and nays.
Mr. Me MASTER withdrew his motion.
Mr. MORGAN renewed it.
: Mr. HARBINE asked the yeas and nays, which
•were ordered, and being taken, were yeas 35,
nays 40.
So the subject was not laid on the table.
The question recurred on the passage of the
Mr. PHELPS proceeded to refer {p the continual
changes of rules which the Con vention made, aad
to tho consumption of time whleh revolted from
Buncombe speeches made on propositions, of this
description, when
The hour of twelve having arrived,
A motion was made by Mr. HARBINE, to post-
pone the orders of the day, for the purpose of dis-
posing of the pending question.
The Convention refused to postpone.
And thereupon the Convention passed tf the
orders of the day.
Mr. JENIFER, by general consent, called the
attention of the Convention to the proceedings
which had taken place yesterday on the report
of Committee No. 14, upon the relation of mas-
ter and slave. The Convention would recollect,
he said, that he had moved that the considera-
tion of the report be postponed until Monday
next. The committee had met last night, and
were unanimously of opinion that it would be
better to accept the amendment of the gentleman
from Prince George's county, (Mr. Bowie,) in
lieu of their own report. The amendment pro-
posed by that gentleman, was in the following
"The Legislature shall not pass any law to
abolish or change Hits icliuiuu uf uiaalci and
slave, as it now exists hi this State."
The only words added by the committee, (con-
tinued Mr. J.) are the words "or change," after
the word "abolish."
Mr. BOWIE. That will do.
Mr. JENIFER, continuing. I believe that this
wHl meet with the unanimous approbation of the
Convention. At the same time, I must say that
in the judgment of the committee, the provision
which they had reported, did, in fact cover the
whole ground. They have instructed me, bow-
ever, to report the amendment, and I hope it will
be adopted.
Whilst I am on; the floor, I will say that I
hope we shall not hereafter hear any denuncia-
tions as to the action of the committees of this
body, unless gentlemen are perfectly sure that
they stand in a position which entitles them to
make charges of dereliction of duty. The meet-
ings of the committee, at the head of which I
have been placed, have always been attended
by such members as were in the city, and last
night, inclement as the weather was, the venera-
ble and distinguished gentleman from Anne
Arundel, (Mr. Dorsey,) was in attendance, as wag
also every other member. Every proposition
which has been referred to that committee, hag
been considered, and though of course there have
been differences of opinion, yet every subject has
been acted on, so far as it was possible to act.
1 have felt it due to myself to make this brief
statement of facts.
I hope the orders of the day will be postponed
to enable the Convention to act upon this re-
The PRESIDENT. The Convention having re*
fused to postpone the orders of the day, the mo-
tion can only be received by unanimous coo-
sent. .......•
[Cries of "consent"--"e6Bseni"]