and until a new election is held shall be re-
eligible thereto, and subject to removal for
willful neglect of duty, or other misdemeanor
in office on conviction in a court of law.
There shall also be a clerk of the Court of
Comm'on Pleas, in Baltimore city, and a clerk
of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, and
there shall also be a clerk of the Criminal
Court of Baltimore City, and each of said
clerks shall be elected as aforesaid by the
qualified voters of the city of Baltimore, and
shall hold his office for six years from the
time of his election and until a new election
is held, and be re-eligible thereto, subject,
in like manner, to be removed for willful ne-
glect of duty or other misdemeanor in office
on conviction in 'a court of law. In case of
a vacancy in the office of a clerk, the judge or
judges of the court of which he was clerk,
shall have the power to appoint a clerk until
the general election of Delegates held next
thereafter, when a clevk shall be elected to
fill such vacancy.
Sec. 15. The clerk of the Court of Com-
mon Pleas for Baltimore city shall have au-
thority to issue within the said city all mar-
riage and other licenses required by law, sub-
ject to such provisions as the Legislature
shall hereafter prescribe; and the clerk of the
Superior Court for said city shall have the
custody of all deeds, conveyances and other
papers, now remaining in the office of the clerk
of Baltimore county court, and shall hereafter
receive and record all deeds, conveyances and
other papers, which are required by law to be
recorded in said city. He shall also have the
custody of all other papers connected with the
pro«eedrngs on the law or equity side of Balti-
more county court and of the dockets thereof,
so far as the same have relation to Baltimore
Sec. 16. That the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals, and the Clerks]of the Circuit Courts in
the several counties, shall respectively perform
all the duties and be entitled to the lees which
appertain to the offices of the Clerks of Court
of Appeals for the Eastern and Western Shores,
and of the Clerks of County Courts; and the
Clerks of the Court of Common Pleas, the su-
perior court, and the criminal court for Balti-
more city, shall perform all the duties apper-
taining to their respective offices, and hereto-
fore vested in the clerks of Baltimore county
court and Baltimore city court respectively, and
be entitled to all the fees now allowed by law;
and all laws relating to the clerks of Court of
Appeals, clerks of the several county courts
and Baltimore city court, shall be applicable to
the clerks respectively of the Court of Appeals,
the Circuit Courts, the Court of Common Pleas,
the superior court and the criminal court of
Baltimore city, until otherwise provided by law;
and the said clerks, when duly elected and
qualified according to law, shall have the
charge and custody of the records and other pa-
pers belonging to iheir respective offices.
Sec. 17. The qualified voters of the city of
Baltimore, and of the several counties of the
State, shall, on the first Wednesday of Novem-
ber, eighteen hu.-Jred and fifty-one, and on the
same day of the same month in every fourth
year for ever thereafter, elect three men to be
judges of the Orphans' Court of said city and
counties respectively, who shall be citizens of
the State of Maryland, and citizens of the city
or county for which they may be severally elect-
ed at the time of their election. They shall
have all the powers now vested in the Orphans'
Courts of this State, subject to such changes
therein as the Legislature may prescribe, and
each of said judges shall be paid at a per diem
rate, for the time they are in session, to be fix-
ed by the Legislature, and paid by the said coun-
ties and city respectively.
Sec. 18. There shall be a Register of Wills
in each county of the State and in the city of
Baltimore, to be elected by the legal and quali-
fied voters of said counties and city respective-
ly, who shall hold his office for six years from
the time of his election, and until a new elec-
tion shall take place, and be re-eligible thereto,
subject to be removed for willful neglect of duty,
or misdemeanor in office, in the same manner
that the clerks of the County Courts are re-
movable. In the event of any vacancy in the
office of Register of Wills, said vacancy shall
be filled by the Judges of the Orphans' Court,
until the general election next thereafter for
Delegates to the General Assembly, when a
Register shall be elected to fill such vacancy.
Sec. 19. The Legislature, at its first session
after the adoption of this Constitution, shall
fix the number of the Justices of the Peace and
Constables for each ward of the city of Balti-
more, and for each election district in the sev-
eral counties, who shall be elected by the legal
and qualified voters thereof respectively at the
next general election for Delegates thereafter,
and shall hold their offices for two years from
the time of their election, and until their suc-
cessors in office are elected and qualified; and
the Legislature may from time to time increase
or diminish the number of Justices of the Peace
and Constables to be elected in the several
wards and election districts, as the wants and
interests of the people may require. They
shall be, by virtue of their offices, conservators
of the peace in the said counties and city respec-
tively, and shall have such duties and compen-
sation as now exist or may be provided for by
law. In the event of a vacancy in the office of
a Justice of the Peace, the Governor shall ap-
point a person to serve as Justice of the Peace