enquire into the expediency of providing in the
Constitution for a Board of Public Works.
, He [Mr. J.] was not in his seat when the res-
olution was offered. He understood that the
gentleman from Cecil, [Mr. MCL.ANE,] had stated
that an order on the same subject had heretofore
been passed. He, [Mr. J.] desired now to state,
injustice to the gentleman from Alleghany, [Mr.
FITZPATRICK,] that the Committee were prepared
to make a report, but in view of the order
adopted yesterday, it might be proper that the
Committee should again be called together, be-
fore any report on the subject was presented.
Mr. WILLIAMS offered the following resolution,
which was adopted :
"That the PRESIDENT of this Convention re-
quest the Treasurer of State to furnish each of
the members of the Convention with a copy of
his Annual Report."
Mr. PARKE gave notice of certain amendments
which he intended at the proper time to offer to
the Bill or Rights.
Mr. CHAMBERS, of Kent, offered the following
resolution :
"That the committee No. 3, inquire into I he ex-
pediency of prohibiting the passage of any law
imposing a tax on money or debts due and owing
by persons out of the State to persons residing in
this State."
Mr. CHAMBERS said that, in presenting this
resolution, he was not to be understood as
doing more than obeying what he conceived
to be some sort of a duly in desiring to give
every one an opportunity to be heard, and evinc-
ing towards his correspondent a disposition to ex-
tend to him any courtesy which he reasonably
could. He (Mr. C.) disclaimed for herself any
purpose to interfere with any existing tax
laws designed to relieve the State from her in-
cumbrances. It was proper, however, that the
proposition should be referred, in order that, if
there was any merit in it, it might be discussed
and decided."
The PRESIDENT announced the unfinished busi-
ness of the morning hour to be the following re-
solutions submitted yesterday by Mr. Tuck :
"Resolved, That the Committee on Printing be
authorized to have a suitable index made to the
Journal of Proceedings, and also to the Debates
of the Convention.
Mr. THAWLEY offered an amendment, provid-
ing that the printing of the extra copies of
the Journal should be discontinued, and that the
money which would have been directed to that
object, should be applied towards the payment
for the Indexes.
The PRESIDENT thought the amendment not
germane to the resolution, and suggested to the
gentleman from Caroline, (Mr. TUAWLEY,) to
withdraw it for the present, and to offer it again
when the pending question should have been dis-
posed of.
Mr. THA.WLEY, with that purpoie, withdrew
his amendment.
The question then recurred on the original re-
A brief and desultory discussion followed, in
which Messrs. TDCK, BROWN, HICKS, WEBER,
and PRESSTMAN, took part.
A division of the question was called for and
ordered; first, on ordering an Index to the Jour-
nal, and then of the Debates.
The question was taken, and both branches of
the resolution were adopted.
Mr. THAWLEY now renewed his proposition in
the following words:
"Ordered, That the order adopted some weeks
past, authorizing the printing of four extra jour-
nals for each member of this Convention be re-
Mr. T. asked the yeas and nays on his resolu-
tion, which were ordered.
Some further discussion followed, in which
took part;
When Mr. SPENCER, in order to give au op-
portunity to the Chairman of the committee on
printing, to make an explanation, moved that the
resolution be laid upon the table for the pres-
Pending the question,
The PRESIDENT announced that the hour had
arrived for taking up the order of the day.
Mr. BOWIE moved to postpone the considera-
tion of the order of the day, that the Convention
might dispose of the pending resolution.
The question having been taken, the Conven-
tion decided that the order of the day should not
be postponed.
The PRESIDENT, by general consent, laid be-
fore the Convention a report from the Treasurer
of this State, in obedience to the order of the
Convention of the 2nd ultimo; which was read
and ordered to be printed.
The Convention then passed to the order of
the day.
Mr. BRENT, of Baltimore city, by general con-
sent, called the attention of the Convention to
the deleterious effects produced upon the health
of the members, (many of whom were complain-
ing,) by the gas that escaped from the furnace,
by which the Hall was heated, and hoped that
some step would be taken to remedy the evil.
There must, he suggested, be a defect in the fur-
The PRESIDENT. The gentleman had better
suggest some course of proceeding.
Mr. BRENT. Well — 1 move the appointment
of a Committee.
Mr. MORGAN. A Committee on Gas ! (Laugh-
Mr. BRENT. A Committee on Gas.
The PRESIDENT. To be composed of three
members ?
Mr. BRENT. That will do.
The committee was accordingly ordered to
be appointed, and the following gentlemen com-
pose it :