returns of its members, but a contested election
shall be determined in such manner as shall be
directed by law.
Sec. 12th. A majority of each House shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
ness, but a smaller number may adjourn from
day to day, and may compel the attendance of
absent members in such manner and under such
penalties as each House may prescribe.
Sec. 13th. The doors of each House and of
committees of the whole shall be open, except
when the business is such as ought to be kept
Sec. 14th. Each House shall keep a Journal of
its proceedings and cause the same to be publish-
ed — the yeas and nays of the members on any
question shall, at the desire of any five of them,
be entered on the journal.
Sec. 15th. Neither House shall, without the
consent of the other, adjourn for more than
three days, nor to any other place than that in
which the houses shall be sitting, without the
concurrent vote of two-thirds of the members
present of both Houses.
Sec. 16th The enacting clause of every bill
shall be, "Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland," and no law shall be enacted
except by Bill.
Sec. 17th. Any bill may originate in either
house of the General Assembly, and be altered,
amended or rejected by the other, but no Bill
shall have the force of a law until it be read on
three different days in each House, unless in case
of urgency three-fourths of the House, where
such bill is depending, shall dispense with this
Sec. 18th. No Bill shall become a law, unless
passed in each House by a majority of the whole
number of members elected, and on the question
of its final passage the ayes and noes shall be re-
Sec. 19th. No money shall be drawn from the
Treasury of this State but in consequence of ap-
propriations made by law, an accurate statement
of the receipts and expenditure of public money
shall be attached to and published with the laws
after each regular session of the General As-
Sec. 20th. No divorce shall be granted by the
General Assembly, nor any tax or other burden
be levied on the persons or property of the peo-
ple, for the support of any religious sect or de-
Sec. 21st. No loans shall be made upon the
credit of this State which are not redeemable at
the pleasure of the State: except such as may be
authorized by an act of Assembly, passed at one
session and ratified and confirmed at the next
Bucceeding regular session of the General As-
Sec. 22nd. No extra compensation shall be
granted or allowed by the General Assembly to
any public officer, agent, servant or contractor
after the services shall have been rendered, or
the contract entered into, nor shall the salary or
compensation of any public officer be increased
or diminished during his term of office.
Sec. 23rd. No county now established by law,
shall ever be reduced by the establishment of
any new county, to a population of less than
thousands, nor shall any new county be hereaf-
ter established with a population of less than
Sec. 24th. No senator or delegate shall during
the term for which he shall have been elected, be
appointed to any civil office in this State, which
shall have been created, or the salary or emolu-
ments of which shall have been increased dur-
ing such term: and no senator or delegate during
the time he shall continue to act as such, shall
be eligible to any civil office.
Sec. 25th. Each House may determine the
rules of its own proceedings, punish a member
for disorderly or disrespectful behavior, and with
the consent of two-thirds expel a member; but
no member shall be expelled a second time for
the same offence.
Sec. 26th. Each House may punish by impris-
onment during the session of the General Assem-
bly, any person not a membe% for disrespectful
or disorderly behavior in its presence, or for ob-
structing any of its proceedings, or any of its
officers, in the execution of their duties; provid-
ed, such imprisonment shall riot at any one time
exceed ten days.
Sec. 27th. The members of each House shall
in all cases, except treason, felony or breach of
the peace, be privileged from arrest during their
attendance at the sessions of the General Assem-
bly, and in going to and returning from the same,
allowing one day for every thirty miles such
member may reside from the place at which the
General Assembly is convened.
Sec. 28th. No senator or delegate shall be lia-
ble in any civil action or criminal prosecution,
whatever, for words spoken in debate.
Sec. 29th. The House of Delegates may in-
quire on the oath of witnesses into all complaints,
grievances and offences, as the grand inquest of
the State, and may commit any person for any
crime to the public jail, there to remain until
discharged by due course of law — they may ex-
amine and pass all accounts of the State
relating either to the collection or expenditure
of the revenue, or appoint auditors to state and
adjust the same, — they may call for all public or
official papers and records, and send for persons
whom they may judge necessary in the course of
their enquiries concerning affairs relating to the
public interest, and may dirt et all office bonds,
which shall be made payable to the jiState, to be
sued for any breach of duty.
Sec. 30th. In case of the death, disqualifica-
tion, refusal to act, expulsion or removal from
the county or district for which he shall have
been elected, if any person shall have been cho-
sen as a Delegate or Senator, or in case of a tie
between two or more qualified persons, a war-
rant of election shall he issued by the Governor,
or person exercising the function! of Governor
for the time being, for the election of a Senator
or Delegate as the case may be, to supply the
vacancy, of which not less than ten days notice,
exclusive of the day of notice and day of elec-
tion shall be given; provided, however, that un-