bond with security as aforesaid. No person shall be eligible to the
office of sheriff but a resident of such county or city respectively,
who shall have been a cit izen of this State at least five years pre
ceding his election, and above the age of twenty one years. The
two candidates, properly qualified, having the highest numher of
legal ballots, shall be declared duly elected for he office of sheriff
for such county or city, anti returned to the Governor, with a cer-
tificate of the number of ballots for each of them.
SEC. 21. Coroners, Elisors and Notaries Public shall be appoint
ed for each county and the city of Baltimore, in the manner now
prescribed by law, or in such other manner as the General Assembly
may hereafter direct.
Sec. 22. No Judge shall sit in any case wherein he may be in
terested, or where either of the parties may be connected with him
by affinity or consanguinity, within such degrees as may be pre
scribed by law, or where he shalt have been of counsel in the
case; and whenever any of the judges of the circuit courts, or of
the courts for Baltimore city shall be thus disqualified, or when
ever, by reason of sickness, or any other cause, the said judges or
any of them, may be unable to sit in any cause, the parties may,
by consent, appoint a proper person to try the said cause, or the
judges or any of threw shall do so, when directed by law.
SEC. 23. The present chancellor and the register in chancery,
and in the event of any vacancy in their respective offices, their
successors in office respectively, who are to be appointed as at pre
sent, by the Governor and Senate, shall continue in office, with
the powers and compensation as at present established, until the
expiration of two years after the adoption of this constitution by
the people, and until the end of the session of the Legislature
next thereafter, after which the said offices of Chancellor and
Register shall be abolished. The Legisluture shall, in the
meantime, provide by law for the recording, safe keeping or
other disposition, of the records, decrees and other proceedings
of the court of chancery, and for the copying and attestation
thereof, and for the custody and use of the great seal of the State,
when requited, after the expiration of the said two yeats, and
for transmitting to the said counties and to the city of Baltimore,
all the cases and proceedings in said court then undisposed of
and unfinished, in such manner, and under such regulations
as may be deemed necessary and proper; provided, that no
new business shall originate in the said court, nor shall any cause
be removed to the same from any other court, from and after the
ratification of this constitution.
SEC. 24. The first election of Judges, Clerks, Registers of
Wills, and all other officers, whose election, by the people is pro-
vided for in this article of the Constitution, except Justices of
the Peace and Constables, shall take place throughout the State
on the first Wednesday of November next after the ratification of
this Coustitution by the people.