of Talbot, Colston, McCullough, McLane,. McMaster, Hearn,
Thomas, Shriver, Gaither, Biser, Annan, Sappington, Stephen-
son, McHenry, Nelson, Carter, Thawley, Stewart, of Balt. city,
Sherwood of Balt, city, Schley, Fiery, Neill, John Newcomer,
Harbine, Michael Newcomer, Kilgour, Brewer, Smith, Parke,
Shower, Cockey and Brown---35.
NEGATIVE----Messrs. Chapman, Pres't. Blakistone, Dent, Mitch-
ell, Weems, Brent, of Charles, Jenifer, Buchanan, Williams,
Hicks, Hodson, Eccleston, Sprigg, George, Wright, Stewart of
Caroline, Brent, of Balt, city, and Weber—17.
So the previous question was seconded.
The question was then put, will the convention reconsider their
vote on said resolution in relation to printing Debates?
Determined in the negative.
Mr. Tuck, from the commitee on Revision, reported to the
convention certain amendments to the report of the committee on
Lotteries, and
Also, on the Militia
Also, on the Land Office;
Also, on the Librarian
Also, on county Commissioners
Which were severally read and disposed of.
Mr. Chambers, of Kent, from the committee on Revision,
made a report on that part of the report of the Legislative Depart-
ment relating to Banks.
Which was read and disposed of.
Also, made a report on the article in relation to authorising pri-
vate property to be taken for public use;
And the article that corporations may be formed under General
laws, but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal
Which were read and disposed of.
Mr. Donaldson, from the committee on Revision, made a re-
port on future amendments and revisions of the constitution.
Read and disposed of.
The Doorkeeper having returned and reported that in obedience
to order he had notified the absent members that their attend-
ance in the Convention was required.
The convention then resumed the consideration of the order
submitted by Mr. McCubbin, in relation to compensation to he al-
lowed certain officers of the convention.
Mr. Buchanan, stated to the convention that lie was desired by
Mr. Chichester, the Assistant Secretary; to withdraw his name as
being included in said order.
Mr. Stephenson, moved to lay said order on the table.