roll counties, shall be the third district; Washington and Allegany
counties, shall be the fourth district; Baltimore shall be the fifth
district; Baltimore, Harford and Cecil counties, shall be the sixth
district; Kent, Queen Anne's, Talbot and Caroline counties, shall
be the seventh district; and Dorchester, Somerset and Worcester
counties, shall be the eight district; and there shall be elected
as herein directed, one person, having the qualifications hereinafter
prescribed, for each of the said judicial districts, except the fifth,
to be judge thereof; the said judges shall be styled district judges,
and shall respectively hold a term of their court at least twice in
each year or oftener, if required by law, in each county, compos
i ng their respective districts; and he said courts shall be called
district courts for county in which it may he held; and shall have,
h old and exercise, in the several count ies of this State, all and
every, the powers, authorities and jurisdictions which the county
c ourts of this State now have, hold and exercise, or which shall
hereafter be prescribed by laws made pursuant to this constitu
Sec. 10. The Judges of theseveral inferior judicial Districts shall
be citizens of the United States, and shall have resided five years in
this State, and two years in the judicial district for which they
may be respectively elected, next befote the time of election, and
shall reside therein while they continue to act as judges; and shall
hold their offices ten years rem moveable for misbehaviour on con
viction in a court of law, or shall be removed by the Governor, upon
tie address of the General Assembly, provided that two-thirds of
the members of each House shall concur in such address; and the
said judges shall each receive a salary of 2,000 dollars per annum,
and the same shall not be diminished during the time of their
continuance in office; and no judge of any court in this State or
chancellor who has a salary fixed by law shall receive any perqui
site, fee or reward in addition thereto, for the performance of any
judicial duty.
Sec. 11. There shall be a clerk to each county court, who shall
be elected by a plurality vote of the qualified voters of each coun
ty,who shall hold his office for the term of six years front the time
of his election, and until a new election is held, subject to remov
al for wilful neglect of duty or other misdemeanor in office; by
presentment of a grand jury, and conviction of a petit jury of the
county, in which lie shall reside, the Legislature shall provide by
law for suitable annual salaries for such clerks, in lieu o1 all fees
and perquisites as now established by law; in the event of any
vacancy in the office of clerk of the county, such vacancy shall
he filled by t he Governor until the next g eneral election, when
said term of appointment shall expire.
Sec. 12. There shall he established for the city of Baltimore,
one court with common law jurisdiction, to he styled "The Court
of Common Pleas," which shall have civil jurisdiction in all suits