TUESDAY, April 22nd, 1851.
The Convention met,
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Graff.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Dorsey, chairman of the committee on New Counties,
submitted the following
Art. It shall be the duty of the Legislature, at its session next
after lire adoption of this constitution, to pass all such laws as may
be necessary to define the limits of a new county, to be formed of
that part of Frederick county, which lies to the west of the
Catoctin Mountain, and embracing the south eastern parts of
Washington county; and to take the voles of the qualified voters,
of such contemplated county; and if a majority thereof shall cast
their votes in favor of the creation of such new county, then the
Legislature shall pass all legislative enactments requisite for the
establishment and organization thereof, the name whereof shall be
"Lee county." And its representation in the General Assembly
shall be one Senator' and two Delegates; which said two Delegates
shall thencforth be deducted, the one from the Delegates of
Frederick county, and the other from that of Washington county,
until oiler the next census of the United States, when the repre
sentation in the House of Delegates, of the city of Baltimore and
all the counties of this State, shall he adjirsted in the manner
bereinbefore provided for by this constitution.
Which was read; and
On motion of Mr. Dorsey,
Made the order of the day for Tuesday next, 29th inst.
Mr. Harbine, stated that as a member of said committee, he
dissented entirely from said report.
Nr. Shriver, presented a petition of sundry cit izeris of Frederick
and Washington counties, remonstrating against the formation of
a new county, to be composed of a portion of the aforesaid coun
Which was read, and
On motion of Mr. Shriver,
Referred to the committee on New Counties.
Mr. Sollers, chairman of the select committee on the subject,
submitted the follow ing
The committee to whom was referred the subject of the requi
sition of the Governor of Pennsylvania upon the Governor of this
State, for the delivering of James S. Mitchell, beg leave to report
that they have had the same under consideration, and have come
to the conclusion that the Governor of this State did right in re