Mr. Hearn, moved the Convention adjourn;
Determined in the negative.
The question again recurred on the adoption of the substitute
as offered by Mr. Tuck;
On the question being put,
Will the Convention accept said substitute?
Mr. Bowie, moved the question he taken by yeas and nays,
and being ordered appeared as follows
AFFIRMATIVE-----Messrs. Chapman, Pres't, Morgan, Blakistone,
Dent, Hopewell , Ricaud, L ee, Chambers, of Kent, M itchell,
¶ Dorsey, Wells, Randall, Kent, Weems, Dalrymple, Bond, Sollers,
Brent, of Charles, Merrick, John Dennis, James U. Dennis,
Crisfield, W illiams, Hicks, Goldsborough, Eccleston, Phelps,
Bowie, Tuck, Sprigg, McCubbin, Bowling, Dirickson, McMaster,
Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs, Kilgour and Waters----39.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Donaldson, Sell man, Jenifer, Howard,
Buchanan, Bell, Welch, Chandler, Ridgely, Lloyd, Colston,
Constable, Chambers, of Cecil, Miller, McLane, Spencer,
Grason, Wright, Thomas, Shriver, Johnson, Gaither, Biser, Annan,
Sappington, Stephenson, McHenry, Magraw, Nelson, Thawley,
Stewart, of Caroline, Hardcastle, Gwinn, Stewart, of Baltimore
city, Brent, of Balt, city, Sherwood, of Balt. city, Presstman, Ware,
Fiery, John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael, Newcomer, Brewer,
Weber, Hollyday, Slicer, Fitzpatrick, Smith, Parke, Shower,
Cockey and Brown-----51.
So the Convention refused to accept said substiute.
Mr. Jenifer, then offered as a substitute for said amendment, the
The House of Delegates shall be composed of 82 members as
Allegany county4 members.
Anne Arundel county 3
Baltimore county 6
Carroll county 3
Caroline county 3
Calvert county 3
Cecil county 3
Charles county 3
Dorchester county 3
Harford county 3
Kent county 3
Prince George's county 3
Montgomery county 3
Queen Anne's county 3
St. Mary's county 3
Somerset county
Talbot county 3
Washington county 5