wards, as now laid off, shall constitute District No. 1, the third and
fourth wards District No. 2, the fifth and sixth wards District No
3, the seventh and eighth wards District No. 4, the ninth and tenth
wards No. 5, the eleventh and twelfth wards No. 6, the thirteenth
and fourteenth wards No. 7, the fifteenth and sixteenth wards No.
5, the seventeenth and eighteenth wards No. 9, the nineteenth and
twentieth wards No. 10. A nd every county shall by the
General Assembly be divided into as many districts as the
county is entitled to delegates, and numbered accordingly and the
qualified voters in each of said districts shall at the time and in
the manner, in which delegates sre chosen, elect one dele
gate, who has been for one year, next before his election, a
r esident of the ward from which he shall be elected, and has in all
other respects, the requisite qualifications of a delegate. And the
residence in the district, requisite to give a right of suffrage in vo
ting for delegates, shall be six months next preceeding the elec
tion But in case any voter otherwise qualified, shall have resi-
ded less than six months in the district of his then residence, he
shall not thereby wholly lose his right to vote at the then pending
elect ion; but shall be entitled to cast his vote for a delegate in the
district in w hich he may have resided for the six months next pre
ceeding his removal to the district of his existing residence. And
the Legislature may pass all laws necessary to carry into effect this
ar ticl e of the constitu tion.
A rt. 3. Of the sixty-two members constituting the House of
Delegates, Allegany county shall elect three, Anne Arundel coun
ty three Baltimore city ten, Baltimore county four, Carroll county
three, Caroline county two, Calvert county two, Cecil county
two, Charles county, two, Dorchester county two, Frederick coun
ty \four, Harford county two, Howard county two, Kent, county
two, Montgomery county two, Prince George's county three
Queen Anne's county two, St. Mary's county two, Somerset coun
ty three, Talbot county two, Washington county three, and Wor
• cester county two.
After debate,
On mot ion of Mr. Biser,
The Convention was called
On notion of M r. Dirickson,
Further proceedings under the call was dispensed with
A fter further debate, and
At 3 o'clock, P. M.,
Mr. Kilgour, , moved the Convention adjourn;
Which motion he waived to enable Mr. Randall, to give notice of
his intention at the proper time to offer the following amendment,
which he desired should be entered upon the record.
Article 1st, The House of Delegates shall, until altered by
the Legislature after every decenial census hereafter consist of
eighty three members; and in order that each portion of the State