The question again recurred upon the motion of Mr. McHenry,
to fill the blank with "ten," and
Determined in the negative.
Mr Phelps, moved to amend said amendment by inserting after
the word "district," the following: "of the counties and the several
wards of the city of Baltimore."
Which was read.
Pending the question on this amendment, and
After debate thereon,
On motion of Mr. Phelps,
The committee rose, the President resumed the Chair, and the
chairman reported that said committee had in obedience to order,
had said report again under consideration; and had come to no
conclusion thereon.
On motion of Mr. Hardcastle,
The Convention adjourned until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.
TUESDAY, January 14th, 1851.
The Convention met, (a quorum being present.)
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Graff.
The President laid before the Convention, the following com
munication from his Excellency the Governor of the State of
December 31st, 1850.
SIR :—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favor
of the 12th instant, enclosing the Report and Resolutions by the
Convention of the people of Maryland, in relation to the compro
mise measures, passed by the Congress of the United States, at its
last session, and at the same time expressing the desire of the com
mittee, that I should lay them before the General Assembly of
Louisiana at their next meeting.
In answer, I would observe, that I shall take pleasure in com
plying with the request of the committee at the eatliest opportuni
ty. I requested the Superintendant of Public Education, to send
you the requisite information relative to our system of public in
struction —his long experience, and profound knowledge of every
branch of this subject, give his opinions weight, and influence.