afer some time spent in committee, the President resumed the
Chair, and the chairman reported that the said committee had in
obedience to order, had said report under consideratton, and
had come to no conclusion thereon.
Mr. Tuck moved that the committeeof the whole House bedis
charged from the further consideration thereof.
Mr. Sollers, moved that the Convention adjourn,
Determined in the affirmative.
And the Convention accordingly adjourned untri to-morrow
morning 11 o'clock.
SATURDAY, January 11th, 1851.
The Convention met, (a quorum being present.)
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Griffith.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Sappington, gave notice that, when the order of the day
came up, being the report submitted by Mr. Chambers, of Kent,
as chairman of the committee on the Elective Franchise," be
should submit the following amendment.
Article. Section 1. Every free white man of the age of twenty-
one years and upwards, being a citizen of the United States,
having resided in this State one year next preceding any election,
and the last two months a resident of the county or city where he
may offer his vote, shall if not excluded by other provisions of this
constitution be entitled to vote at such election in the Election
District of which he shall at the time he a resident and at no other
place, for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elective by
the people, and that he vote by ballot.''
On motion of Mr. Smith,
The Convention took up for consideration the order submitted
by him on the 6th inst. changing the hour of meeting from 11
o'clock to 10 o'clock A. M.
Mr. McMaster, moved to amend said order by striking out the
words "to morrow," and inserting in lieu thereof, "front and after
Monday next."
Which amendment was accepted by Mr. Smith.
Mr. Phelps, moved further to amend said order by inserting
the words "except every Monday."
Determined in the negative.
The question then recurred and was put on the adoption of
the order as amended, and
Determined in (he affirmative.