Mr. Stewart, of Caroline, moved that the Convention now ad
journ until 12 o'clock to-morrow.
Mr. Brown, of Carroll, moved to amend by striking out "12"
and inserting ‘‘1 0½.''
And the question being on the amendment of Mr. Brown, of
Carroll county, it was
Resolved in the negative.
Mr. Jenifer, of Charles, moved to strike out "12" and insert
‘‘11;" which was not agreed to.
And the question recurring on the motion of Mr. Stewart, of
Caroline, it was adopted.
And the Convention adjourned until 12 o'clock to-morrow.
TH URS DA Y, November 7th, 1850.
T he Convention re—assembled pursuant to adjournment.
The roll being called by the Secretary, all the Delegates elect
were present except Mr. Grason, of Queen Anne's, and Mr.
Crisfield, of Somerset.
The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Mr. Constable, of Cecil, moved the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to
wait on the Reverend Clergy, resident of this City, and request them
to make an arrangement among themselves, by which one of their
number, alternately every day, will attend this Convention, and
open its sessions by prayer.
Mr. Davis, of Montgomery, moved the following as a substitute.
Whereas, It is right and proper, for all deliberative bod ies, be
fore proceeding to business, daily to invoke the divine blessing
upon their labors;— Therefore,
Be it resolved, That. a committee of two be appointed by the
Chair, to request the Rev. Mr. to act as Chaplain to this
Convention, until a permanent organization can be effected.
The question being on the substitute;
Mr. Jenifer, of Charles, asked a division of the question, and
the question being on the first branch of the substitute to wit: the
It was resolved in the affirmative.
The question recurring on the second branch, to wit: the reso
Mr. Davis, obtained leave to withdraw it
The question recurring on the resolution of Mr. Constable, of
Cecil, as amended;
It was agreed to.