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Session Laws, 1799
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BENJAMIN OGLE, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.                             NOVEMBER.  1799.

An ACT to prevent the going at large of swine and poultry in the 
 town of New-Market, in Frederick county.         Lib. JG. No. 3.
 fol. 252.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the first day of April,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, no swine or poultry belonging to the in-
habitants of said town shall be suffered to go at large in the town of New-Market, in Frederick
county; and if any person shall find any swine or poutry going at large in the town of New-Market
aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for such person to kill, or cause to be killed, such swine or

II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person shall be sued for killing any swine or poutry going
at large in the town of New-Market aforesaid, such person may plead the general issue, and give this
act and the special matter in evidence.

                                                                  CHAP. XIV.
An ACT for the relief of Robert Elliott, of Talbot county.  Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 252. A Pri-
vate Act.

                                                                    CHAP. XV.
An ACT for the benefit of Richard Ross and William Ross, of Prince-George's county.  Lib. JG.
No. 3. fol. 253. A Private Act.

                                                                   CHAP. XVI.
An ACT to incorporate a company for the purpose of cutting and
making a canal between the river Delaware and the Chesapeake
bay.  Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 254.
WHEREAS the opening of the communication between the bay of Chesapeake and the river
Delaware, by means of a canal, will be attended with very beneficial effects to those parts of
the state of Maryland that lie on the bay of Chesapeake, and on the waters that empty themselves
into the said bay, as also to the agricultural interest thereof in general, and many persons are willing
to subscribe large sums of money to effect so useful a work, and it being just and proper that they,
their heirs and assigns, should be empowered to receive reasonable tolls for ever as a compensation
for the money advanced by them in carrying the work into execution, and the risk they incur,

 II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall be lawful to open books for
receiving and entering subscriptions to the amount of five hundred thousand dollars, in shares of
two hundred dollars each share, for the cutting said canal, and perfecting the navigation thereof,
under the management of Tobias Rudolph and William Alexander, at Elkton, in Caecil countil,
doctor William Matthews and Samuel Davis, at the head of Sassafras, in Kent county, Richard
Tilghman, 4th, and William Barroll, at Chester-town, in Kent county, Richard Tilghman Earle
and James Clayland, junior, at Centre-Ville, in Queen-Anne's county, and James Earle, junior, and
Ower Kennard, at Easton, in Talbot county, and under the management of such persons, and at
such places in Delaware and Pennsylvania, as shall be appointed by acts of the legislatures of those
states; that the said books shall be opened on the first day of March, eighteen hundred, and shall
continue open for this purpose until the first day of March, eighteen hundred and one, and on the
first day of May thereafter there shall be a general meeting of the subscribers at the town of Wil-
mington, in the state of Delaware, of which meeting notice shall be given by the said managers, or
any four of them, in some of the Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania news-papers, at least thirty
days before the said meeting; provided, that if the same time of receiving subscriptions, and of meet-
ing, should not be appointed by all the said states, then there shall be a meeting of the subscribers, 
at the time by them appointed by all the said states, then there shall be a meeting of the subscribers,
at the time by them appointed, at the place aforesaid, notice whereof to be given as a foresaid;
and the subscriptions made at the times and places appointed by the states of Delaware and Pennsyl-
vania shall then be received, and such meeting may and shall be continued from day to day till the
business is finished; and the acting managers, at the time and place aforesaid, shall lay before such
of the subscribers as shall meet according to the said notice, the books by them respectively kept,
containing the state of the said subscriptions, and if one half of the capital sum aforesaid should,
upon examination, appear not to have been subscribed, then the said, at the said meeting,
are empowered to take and receive subscriptions to make up the deficiency, and a just and true list
of all the subscribers, with the sums subscribed by each, shall be made out and returned by the said

Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.

Swine not to
go at large, &c.

General issue

Passed 7th of
Dec. 1799.


Books to be
opened, &c.

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Session Laws, 1799
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