to which the state had no title, the chancellor is hereby authorised
to give his order to the treasurer
of the western shore directing him to cancel the bond or bonds, or
such other evidence of the debt,
as shall have been given at the time of making the said purchase.
An ACT to appoint an agent for the year one thousand eight hun-
dred. Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 334.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Marbury
be agent of this state,
to execute the trust and power reposed in him by virtue of this act
from the first day of January,
one thousand eight hundred, until the first day of January, one thousand
eight hundred and one.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said agent superintend the collection
of arrearages and
balances due from the several collectors of the respective counties
within this state, and the said
agent is hereby authorised and required to call upon the treasurers
of the respective shores for an
accurate statement of all arrerages and balances due from such collectors,
and such account shall
be furnished by the said treasurers accordingly.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said agent be authorised to superintend
the collection of
balances due to the state on the auditor's books or on open account;
and the said agent shall have
power to require payment of, and, if necessary, to sue for and recover
the same; and the said agent,
with the approbation of the governor and council, may make composition
with any such debtors,
and take bonds to the state, with sufficient security, and give time
for payment, not exceeding two
years from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said agent be authorised to superintend
the collection of all
monies due to the state for naval duties, fines, penalties, forfeitures
and amerciaments, and forfeited
recognizances, and for ordinary, retailers and marriage licences, and
to require payment, and (if
necessary) sue for and recover the same; and the said agent may allow
for insolvencies, and credit
any money that the party is not chargeable with by law, and, for his
information of the law, he
may take the advice of the attorney-general in writing.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever there shall be occasion to expose
to public sale the pro-
perty of any collector, or his securities, by virtue of any execution
already issued, or to be issued for
this purpose, the said agent shall cause at least thirty days public
notice to be given of such sale, and
shall attend the same, and if it shall appear that there is danger
of losing any part of the debt due to
the state, and not otherwise, shall purchase any property so exposed
to sale for the use of the state, in
payment, or part payment, as the case may be, of the arrearages due
by the collectors whose property
may be so purchased, and that no purchase authorised by this act shall
be considered as made on the
part of the state, unless a public declaration to that effect be made
by the agent or his deputy imme-
diately after such sale and purchase; and any property so purchased
for the use of the state, the said
agent mayb again expose to public auction, on the most advantageous
terms for the use of the state, and,
if the same be sold on credit, which shall in no case exceed the term
of two years, the said agent shall
take bond, with good and sufficient security, to be approved of by
the reasurer of the wester shore,
from the purchasers of such property, and all bonds by him so taken
shall be deposited, with an ac-
curate list thereof subscribed by him, in the treasury of the western
shore, and shall be a lien upon
the real property of such purchasers, and their securities, from the
respective dates, or so much
thereof as is mentioned in the schedule thereto annexed.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said agent is hereby directed to dispose
of all confiscated British
property that remains unsold, and take bonds to the state, with sufficient
security, and give time for
the payment thereof, not exceeding two years from the first day of
January, one thousand eight
hundred; and that where the quantity of land in any one body subject
to such sale exceeds the
quantity of fifty acres, such land shall be isposed of at public sale,
of the time and place of which
sale at least thirth days previous notice shall be given by public
advertisement; and that at the time
of any sale by virtue of this act, the said agent shall make known
that he only sells the right of this
state thereto, and that the state doth not guaranty the title to the
same, or any part thereof, but that
the purchase must be in all respects at the risk of the puchaser.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no payment in future by any officer or
person indebted to the
state shall be valid and effectual, unless made to the treasurer of
the western or eastern shore, or to
the |
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.
An agent ap-
pointed, &c.
To superintend
the collection of
arrearages, &c.
Of balances on
the auditor's
books, &c.
And all monies
due for duties,
Notice to be
given of sales,
Agent to dis-
pose of proper-
ty, &c.
No payment to
be valid, &c. |