Pastor, &c. may
adjourn, &c.
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.
appointed, &c.
Who may ap-
point a trea-
surer, &c.
Damages to be
ascertained, &c. |
or board, and shall have power, by a majority of voices, to make, ordain
and establish, such rules,
orders and regulations, for the management of the temporal business,
and disposing of the estate of
the said corporation, as they shall judge proper; provided, that such
rules, orders and regulations,
be not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this state.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the pastor, or any member of the said
corporation, shall have full
power and authority to adjourn from day to day until a quorum shall
attend; and the said corpora-
tion are hereby authorised and empowered to appoint and employ a fit
and proper person as register
of the said corporation, whose duty it shall be to keep a fiar and
regular account fo their proceedings,
which shall be subject to the inspection of any of the members belonging
to the said congregation.
An ACT to open a road from the turnpike road leading towards
Hanover, at or near the widow Mortar's tavern, to intersect
York turnpike road at or near Benedict Hurst's tavern.
Lib. JG.
No. 3. fol. 297.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition
of sundry inhabitants of
Baltimore county, that they labour under great inconveniencies for
want of a road from the
main public road leading from the city of Baltimore towards Hanover,
at or near the widow Mortar's
tavern, and from thence by Gerge Kerlinger's mill, and thence by Hoofman's
grist and paper mill,
until it intersects the York turnpike road at or near Benedict Hurst's
tavern; and it appearing rea-
sonable to grant the said petition,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That George
Nace, William Matthews
and Joseph Bollinger, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners
for the purpose in this act men-
tioned, and the said commissioners, or any two of them, are hereby
authorised to lay out and open as
aforesaid, at the expence of the subscribers to said petition, a waggon
road, in the most convenient
direction, not exceeding thirty feet wide, from the turnpike road leading
from the city of Baltimore
towards McAllister's-town, at or near Benedict Hurst's tavern; and
the said road when so
laid out and completed at the expence of the said subscribers, and
after the valuations herein after
directed to be made, or the damages hereby directed to be assessed,
shall be paid, or secured to the
individuals concerned, shall be recorded among the records of Baltimore
county court, and be there-
after deemed and taken to be a public road for ever, and shall be kept
in repair in the same manner
as other public roads are directed to be kept in said county.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners may appoint one
of their number as
treasurer, who is hereby enjoined and empowered to collect and receive
all monies subscribed, or that
may be subscribed, for the purpose of laying out and clearing the said
road, and such subscribers are
hereby directed to pay their several subscriptions to the treasurer
appointed as aforesaid; and if any
person shall neglect or refuse to pay his subscription money, the said
treasurer, or any of the said
commissioners in the name of the whole, may and is hreby authorised
to sue for, recover and receive
the same; and the said monies, when received, shall be applied by the
said commissioners, or any
two of them, to the purposes of this act.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners aforesaid shall ascertain
and value what
damages may be sustained by any person or persons through wholse land
teh said road may pass by
opening and clearing the same; and in case any proprietor or proprietors,
or their guardian or
trustee, shall conceive themselves aggrieved by the valuation of the
said commissioners, it shall and
may be lawful for any justice of the peace for Baltimore county, on
application by any person interest-
ed, to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to the
sheriff of the county, commanding
him to summon five freeholders, disinterested as to the said road,
to appear, on a day by him to be
appointed, on the land of the person making application as aforesaid;
and the said freeholders shall
respectively repair to some magistrate of the said county, and take
the following oath, or affirmation,
to wit: "I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that I will honestly and
faithfully estimate and value the
" damage and injury sustained by C. D. by opening a road through the
land of the said C. D. in pur-
" suance of the directions of this act," and shall return the damages
by them assessed to the said jus-
tice |