Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.
* 1798, ch. 38.
Seven justices
to have power,
Servants, &c.
may be com-
pelled to work,
Parts of an act
Court to ap-
point a consta-
ble, &c.
Who shall be
an inhabitant,
&c. |
kind, or any part of his debts, rights or claims, thereby wilfully to
deceive or defraud his creditors,
or any of them, or to secure the same, or to receive or expect any
profit, benefit or advantage there-
by, the said court my thereupon examine the said William Dent Beall
on interrogatories, on oath,
for the discovery of his property, or any concealment thereof, and
respecting his conduct touching
the same, or the said justices may, in their discretion, direct an
issue to be tried in the said court, to
determine the truth of any allegation made against the said William
Dent Beall, and if the said
William Dent Beall shall be found guilty of any wilful fraud or deceit
of his creditors, he shall for
ever be precluded from having any benefit of this act; and in case
the said William Dent Beall shall
at any time wthin two years as aforesaid, upon any indictment, be convict
of wilfully, falsely and
corruptly swearing to any matter or thing in his oath aforesaid contained,
he shall suffer as in case of
wilful and corrupt perjury, and likewise be liable to his creditors,
and be wholly deprived of any
relief or benefit by this act.
A Supplement to the act, * entitled, An act relating to the public
roads in Somerset county. Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 248.
WHEREAS the act to which this is a supplement requires the justices
of the peace for said county, or a majority of them, to execute the several
duties thereof, and it has been found,
from practice and experience, that the said justices, or a majority
of them, do not readily meet or
convene for the purposes aforesaid; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the Generall Assembly of Maryland, That
the said justices, or any seven of
them, shall have the same power and authority that is given in the
aforesaid act to the justices of the
peace, or a majority of them, any thing in the said act to the contrary
III. AND, whereas the twelfth section of the said act imposes
a fine of one dollar on the master,
mistress or ovrseer, of any servant or slave, after being sent to labour
on said roads, who shall ne-
glect to perform his reasonable service, which is found to be oppressive
and injurious, BE IT ENACTED,
That it is hereby declared to be the duty of each and every overseer
in the said county to compel
each servant or slave, after being so sent to labour on the public
roads aforesaid, to do and perform
his reasonable service aforesaid, and the master mistress or overseer,
of any such servant or slave,
sent as aforesaid, shall not be subject to the fine aforesaid.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all those parts of the said
act which are repugnant to the several
clauses contained in this supplement, be and the same are hereby repealed.
An ACT to empower the levy court of Dorchester county to appoint
a constable for the town of Cambridge. Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 248.
WHEREAS agreeable to the present act of assembly the levy court of
Dorchester county is em-
powered to appoint constables only for the different hundreds of said
county, and the inha-
bitants of the town of Cambridge labouring under considerable disadvantages
from the constable of that hundred, which includes the town, not living
in the same, and also that the peace of said town
is very much disturbed by frequent tumultuous meetings of negroes;
in order to obviate that incon-
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court, at their annual
meeting, shall appoint a constable for the town of Cambridge, and that
the county clerk shall signify
such appointment, under his hand, and deliver the same to the sheriff
within five days after such ap-
pointment, and the sheriff shall, within ten days of such delivery,
deliver the same to the person so
appointed, or leave the same at his usual place of abode, under penalty
of twenty shillings current
money on the clerk or sheriff respectively neglecting herein, to be
recovered before any single magis-
trate, as in the case of small debts, to the use of the said town.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the constable so appointed in virtue
of this act shall be an inha-
bitant of said town, and that he shall be obliged to execute all warrants
and precepts to him directed
within the limits of the said town, and such constable shall and may
have, take exact and receive,
such fees as the law in such case has directed.