may think most proper, and the commissioners so appointed shall proceed
to act in the same manner,
and shall have the same powers, as if originally named; and in case
none of the commissioners autho-
rised by this law shall proceed to act agreeably to their appointment
on or before the first day of Au-
gust next, then the levy court, at their next meeting, shall have the
power to appoint three other
disinterested persons as commissioners, who shall proceed to act accordingly.
V. AND, inasmuch as it is contemplated to have a public ferry established
on each side of the
Choptank river, and it is wished that the said Akers should sustain
as little damage as possible from
the road so running being made public, BE IT ENACTED, That the said
William Akers shall have the
exclusive reight to keep the ferry from the Dorchester, as well as
the Talbot shore, and that the ferry
from the Talbot shore shall be licensed by the county court of Talbot;
and the ferry from the Dor-
chester shore be licensed by the county court of Dorchester; and in
case the said William Akers
shall neglect or refuse to comply with the requisites of this act,
or the acts or assembly to regulate
public ferries, that are now or may be hereafter in force in this state,
then any other person may ap-
ply for a licence to keep said ferry, and the county court of Dorchester
is hereby empowered to grant
such licence on such application.
An ACT to prevent assignees from suing by attachment of privilege.
Lib. JG. No. 3. fol.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That no assignment
hereafter made of any
bond, bill, penal or single, promissory note or bill of exchange, to
any person or persons entited
to sue by attachment of privilege, shall operate to enable such person
or persons to sue by attach-
ment of privilege, but the said assignee or assignees shall have the
same remedy as persons not enti-
tled to sue by attachment of privilege, and no other or speedier, any
law usage or custom, to the
contrary notwithstanding.
An ACT to pay the civil list, and other expences of civil govern-
ment. Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 273.
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities and labour, to the
public, ought to receive
a reasonable and adequate compensation for their services,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following
officers of civil
government for the time being shall be entitled to receive at the rate
of the following salaries in
current money for the ensuing year, to wit: The treasurer of
the western shore, two thousand dol-
lars; the treasurer of the eastern shore, four hundred and fifty dollars;
the auditor, eight hundred
dollars; the clerk of the council, eight hundred dollars; the clerk
of the senate, one hundred and
fifty dollars; the clerk of the house of delegates, three hundred dollars;
the printer to the state,
fourteen hundred dollars; the messenger to the council, two hundred
and fifty dollars.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all monies which shall remain in the treasury,
after discharging
the journal of accounts, and all unappropriated money which may come
into the treasury, be first
applied to the payment of the civil list for the ensuing year.
A Supplement to the act, * entitled, An act for the opening of
Second-Street, in the city of Baltimore.
Lib. JG. No. 3.
fol. 274.
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry
inhabitants of the
city of Baltimore, that the operation of the act passed at the last
session of assembly, entitled,
An act for the opening of Second-Street in the city of Baltimore, is
partial and oppressive, in im-
posing the whole expence of opening the said street only upon those
persons resident or holding pro-
perty on said street between Gay-street and South-street; for remedy
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the sheriff
of Baltimore county
shall, on or before the first day of April next, at some convenient
place near the premises, to be noti-
fied and appointed by the said sheriff, cause a meeting to be had of
the jury, who have, in virtue of
X x x x x
the |
Exclusive right
vested, &c.
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.
No assignment
shall operate,
Officers sala-
Money to be
first applied.
* 1798, ch. 19.
Sheriff to cause
a meeting, &c. |