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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
Volume 99, Page 27  
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VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.            27

and adjudge that the said land shall thenceforward become the property of the said county
for ever, upon the value thereof as aforesaid being paid tot he said owner or owners; and the
clerk of the said county court shall transmit a copy of such order and judgment of the said court,
and a certificate of the valuation of the land condemned, to the levy court of the same county,
who shall assess and levy the same in the manner as other county expences, and shall order
such sum, when levied, to be paid over to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, as
being interested in such condemned land; and it shall thereupon be lawful for the said court to
direct the necessary buildings to be erected thereon at the expence of the county; provided always,
that in cases of infancy, or other legal disability, it shall and may be lawful for such infant or
other person, or his or her legal representative, whose land may be condemned under the provisions
of this act, at any time within three years after the removal of such disability to repay to
the levy court aforesaid, or their collector, the amount of the valuation of such condemned land,
if the same shall have been paid as above directed, and also the real value, at the time of such
disability being removed, of any buildings or other improvements that may have been erected
thereon at the expence of the county, or if the same be refused, to make a tender thereof.,
and such condemned property, with the improvements thereon, shall revert to and become again
the property of such person as fully as the same would have been if such condemnation had never
taken place."  In the ninth line of the sixth page strike out the word "levy" and insert the
word "county."  Strike out the words " two justices" in the tenth line of the same page and
insert " one justice."  Strike out the word "their" in the eleventh line of the same page and
insert "his."  In the twelfth line of the same page strike out the words " inhabitant of their
county" and insert " approved person."  In the thirteenth line of the same page strike out the
word "annual."  In the sixteenth line of the same page strike out the word "justices" and insert
the words " said justice."  Strike out from the beginning of the seventh page to the end of
the second line of the eighth page.  Strike out the word " proprietor as aforesaid" in the fourth
line of the eighth page and insert " approved person."  Strike out the words " justices of the
levy" and insert "county" in the fifth line of the same page.  After the word "securities" in
the seventh line of the same page insert " residing in said county."  Strike out the word "proprietor"
in the eighth line of the same page and insert "person."  Strike out the words " from
and after the first day of August next" in the tenth and eleventh lines of the same page.  Strike
out the word "levy" in the seventh line of the ninth page and insert "county." Strike out the
ninth line of the same page and insert " person or persons."  Strike out the word "public" in
the twelfth line of the same page and insert "county."  At the end of the third line of the tenth
page insert the following:  " provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise the said courts,
or any of them, to contract for keeping a county ferry at the expence of the county at any place
where such ferry has not been heretofore usually kept and supported."  Strike out from the beginning
of the fourth line of the tenth page to the end of the tenth line of the same page, and
insert the following section:  " And be it enacted, That if any person whatsoever shall, after the
first day of June next, presume to keep a ferry for hire or reward at any place where a ferry is
now or shall hereafter be established, without obtaining licence and entering into a recognizance
agreeably to the directions of this act, every such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty
dollars for every offence."  At the end of the bill add the following proviso:  " provided that
nothing herein contained shall be construed to discharge or exonerate any ferry-keeper now licensed
under the laws hereby repealed from performing his several and respective duties until he
shall renew his licence according to the provisions of this act."
    The resolution in favour of Charles Mankin was read the second time by especial order and
dissented from.
    The resolution in favour of Francis Dawes and William Copeland Gouldsmith was read the
second time by especial order and dissented from.
    The resolution in favour of Gassaway Watkins was read the second time by especial order and
assented to.

The senate adjourns until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.

T    H    U    R    S    D    A    Y,    December 26, 1799.

    THE senate met.  Present the same members as on yesterday.  The proceedings of yesterday
were read.
    The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the clerk of the senate a bill, entitled, A further
supplement to an act, entitled, An act to ascertain the allowance to jurymen and witnesses
of the general court, and the several county and orphans courts in this state, thus endorsed; " By
" the house of delegates, December 16, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
" table.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 24, 1799:  Read the second time and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."
    A bill, entitled, An act to establish the salaries of the judges of the court of appeals, thus endorsed;
" By the house of delegates, December 24, 1799:  Read the first and second time by
" especial order and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
Volume 99, Page 27  
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