WHEREAS, By said collision said schooner and her cargo were
greatly damaged, involving a great loss to the owner thereof,
and it is right and proper that said owner should be paid for
his actual and bona fide loss growing out of said collision;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Comptroller of the State be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the State
Treasurer in favor of said Harvey Conway, owner of said
Schooner M. M. Davis, for the sum of eight hundred dollars
for pay and indemnity for losses sustained by said owner, as
disclosed by the preamble of this Act; the same having been
approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1900.
AN ACT to add certain new sections to Article 83 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Sales and
Notices," under the new sub-title "Sales in Bulk," to fol-
low Section seventeen and to be known, respectively, as
Sections 18 and 19.
Pay a sum of
money to
H. Conway.
Indemnity for
loss of
schooner by
collision with
State steamer.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That certain new sections be added to Article 83 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Sales and
Notices," under the new sub-title "Sales in Bulk," to follow
Rection seventeen, to be known, respectively, as Sections 18
and 19, and to read as follows:
General Laws.
Sales in bulk.
18. A sale of any portion of a stock of merchandise other-
wise than in the ordinary course of trade in the regular and
usual prosecution of the sellers business, or a sale of an entire
:stock of merchandise in bulk, will be presumed to be fraudu-
lent and void as against the creditor of the seller unless the
seller and purchaser shall, at least five days before the sale,
make a full, detailed inventory showing the quantity and so
far as possible, with the exercise of a reasonable diligence,
the cost price to the seller of each article to be included in
the sale, and unless such purchaser shall at least five days
before the sale in good faith make full , explicit inquiry of the
seller as to the names and places of residence or places of busi-
ness of each and all of the creditors of the seller and the amount
Sales of por-
tion or entire
stock of
unless certain
complied with