SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
company shall consist of one hundred thousand dollars in
shares of the par of fifty dollars each, with the privilege to
increase the stock from time to time by a vote of the stock-
holders at a special meeting to be called for that purpose to
five hundred thousand dollars; and in the event that the
amount of the capital stock subscribed proves insufficient to
construct, complete and fully equip the electric light and
railway herein mentioned, then the directors of said company
may issue from time to time in the name of the said company
mortgage bonds to an amount sufficient in the judgment of
said directors to complete and fully equip the requirements of
said corporation, and secure the payment of such by mortgage
of all or any part of the property, rights, franchises, tolls and
revenues of said company.
Capital stock
with privilege
to increase.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That said company, subject,
however, to the constitutional right of amendment and repeal,
shall have perpetual continuance.
SEC. 8. That this Act shall take effect from the date of its
Approved April 10, 1900.
AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to the Female House
of Refuge for the erection of a new building and steam
heating apparatus.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sum of eight thousand dollars be and the same
is hereby appropriated for the use and benefit of the Female
House of Refuge for the erection and equipment of a new
building upon the grounds of the said institution, situated at
the corner of Baker and Carey streets, in the City of Balti-
more, and the installation of steam heating apparatus in the
building now occupied.
Female House
New building,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer on the war-
rant of the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to pay
to the board of managers of the said institution the said sum
of eight thousand dollars, upon vouchers of the treasurer
of the institution, approved by the president of the board of
Approved April 7, 1900.