causes of vacancy heretofore mentioned in this section, the
Chairman of the Commissioners shall act as Burgess for the
unexpired term.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Burgess, Commis-
sioners and all other officers designated by the ordinances of
said corporation of this Act, excepting the attorney for said
corporation, before .entering upon the duties of their offices,
shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: "I
do make oath in due form of law (or affirm, as the same may
be,) that I will faithfully execute the office of — —— — , to which
I have been elected (or appointed), to the best of my judg-
ment and ability, without favor or affection."
All officers
shall make
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the Burg-ess shall appoint
one of said Commissioners or any other qualified voter of said
town as clerk to said corporation, who shall keep accurate min-
utes of the proceedings of said Burgess and Commissioners, and
shall enter all laws and ordinances passed by them in a well-
bound book, open to public inspection; he shall attest all laws
and ordinances and cause copies of the same to be posted in not
Burgess shall
appoint clerk.
Dulies of.
less than two of the most public places in said town ; he shall file
and keep all original papers entrusted to his care: he shall act
as treasurer to said corporation; he shall keep an accurate
account of the receipts and disbursements of all money and
funds of said corporation in a well-bound book; and shall pay
out the same only on the order of the Burgess, after the bills
or orders have been passed by a majority of the Commission-
ers; he shall report annually in writing to the Burgess and
Commissioners a detailed statement of the financial condition
of the said corporation, showing the several sums of money
received by him and expended, from whom received and for
and on what, account and to whom expended and paid and for
what purpose, and shall cause not less than two copies of said
statement to be posted up in two or more of the most public
places in said town; he shall perform such other duties as may
be prescribed for him by this Act or the ordinance of said Com-
missioners, he shall receive such compensation for his services
from the funds of the corporation as said Commissioners
may, by their orders or ordinance, fix; and the said Commis-
Shall act as
treasurer, etc.
sioners shall require said clerk and treasurer to give bond,
with security, to be approved by said Burgess, for the faithful
performance of his duties as such, which bond shall be made
to the said corporation.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said Commissioners
may meet as often for the transaction of the business of said
corporation as shall be required for the transaction of such
Required to
give bonds.