prohibit the erecting and maintaining of hog-pens, slaughter-
houses or other nuisances within the limits of said town under
such penalties as they may prescribe; and they may impose
and collect fines, penalties and forfeitures for the violation of
ordinances passed and enacted by them, and may commit or
cause to be committed all offenders against such ordinances
to the county jail, until such fines, penalties and forfeitures
be paid, with costs, but not exceeding thirty days.
Fines and
103. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the
preceding section, and for the preservation of the peace,
health, cleanliness and good order of the community, and for
the protection of the lives and property of the citizens of said
town, and to suppress, abate and discontinue, or to cause to
be suppressed, abated or discontinued, all nuisances and
obstructions within the corporate limits of said town, the
Town Commissioners of La Plata may pass such ordinances
and by-laws from time to time as may be necessary, which
said ordinances and by-laws shall have the force of law, and
may be amended or repealed by the said Town Commissioners
at their pleasure.
For enforce-
ment of
provisions of
section, etc.
104. All ordinances passed in pursuance of the foregoing
sections of this Act shall be recorded by the clerk in a well-
bound book, procured by the said Town Commissioners for
the purpose, and the president shall sign his name to all ordi-
nances as recorded, and the clerk shall attest the same; and
a copy of all such ordinances, attested by the clerk, shall as
soon as possible after the enactment thereof be posted in at
least three public places in said town of La Plata.
Shall keep a
record of all
105. The Town Commissioners of La Plata may, as often as
they may deem advisable, cause an assessment to be made of
all the real and personal property within said town of
La Plata or the corporate limits thereof by their clerk, which
assessment shall not exceed the assessment of the same for
county purposes (if the same be assessed for county purposes),
and the said Town Commissioners may levy a tax thereon
not exceeding twenty-five cents in the hundred dollars' worth
of assessable property.
Assessment of
real and per-
sonal property
106. Any person may appeal from the valuation of the
assessor made as hereinbefore provided to the Town Commis-
sioners of La Plata, who shall meet not less than ten days
nor more than thirty days after such assessments shall have
been completed, and remain in session from day to day, as
long as may be necessary, to hear and determine such appeal;
May appeal
from the