Governor shall
Measurers and
57. The Governor, at each session of the General Assembly,
shall appoint five persons for the City of Baltimore, two per-
sons for Annapolis, two for Oxford, one for Tilghman's Island,
one for St. Michael's, three for Cambridge, one for Nanticoke
and one for Crisfield, to be known as general measurers and
inspectors of oysters for the city, town or port and adjacent
waters for which they shall respectively be appointed. Each
general measurer and inspector of oysters for the City of
Baltimore shall give bond to the State of Maryland in the
sum of three thousand dollars, and all other measurers and
inspectors shall give bond to said State in the sum of fifteen
hundred dollars for the faithful performance of their duties;
and the general measurer and inspector of oysters shall have
the same power and authority over oysters sold in the waters
adjacent to the port for which they shall be appointed, as
hereinafter given to the general measurers and inspectors over
such city, town or port for which they shall be respectively
of State fishery
force shall
measurers for
58. It shall be the duty of the commander of the State
fishery force, at the commencement of or during the oyster
season in each year, to appoint from the counties producing
oysters for packing purposes in the State not exceeding
seventy-five measurers or special inspectors, namely, eight
from Somerset County, seven from Wicomico County, twelve
from Dorchester County, eight from Talbot County, seven
from Queen Anne County, six from Kent County, seven from
Anne Arundel County, seven from Calvert County, seven from
St. Mary's County and six from Charles County, at a salary
of forty-five dollars per month during the eight months of the
oyster season, fifty of whom shall be allotted to Baltimore City
and the remainder to the other ports, and before assuming
the duties of their offices the said measurers and special in-
spectors shall take an oath, to be administered by sa,icl com-
mander, to diligently and faithfully discharge the duties of
their said offices; the said measurers and special inspectors
shall measure all oysters sold in their respective districts, and,
Duties of.
in the absence of a general measurer and inspector, shall in-
spect such oysters as his subordinate, upon the measurement
of any such oysters such measurer or special inspector shall
make a certificate of the number of bushels in triplicate, one
of which shall be given to the purchaser, one to the seller and
Charges for
and other
the other daily to the general measurer and inspector of the
district where such measurement occurred; a charge of one
cent per bushel is hereby levied to help defray the expenses
of such measurement and other expenses of the State fishery