against the same; but the ordinance need not be set out
in full and at length therein, so when the Commissioners
enter into a contract with other parties a proper entry showing
the title and general character shall appear in the minute
book, and all Acts of the Board shall be mentioned therein,
but no paper or document which is to be recorded in the
ordinance book or in the general record book shall be set
out at length in the minute book.
In ordinance books, provided for the purpose, all ordi-
nances shall be set out in full and at length, with their
proper number prefixed thereto, and with the date of their
respective enactment placed at the end thereof. The ordi-
nances heretofore passed, which still remain in force, shall be
revised, and such of them as have become practically obso-
lete, and such as have been replaced by ordinances covering
the same ground may be set aside, while the other shall be
examined, revised and amended. All such ordinances as are
revised or amended shall be set out and entered in a book
furnished therefor. This book shall be designated "The
Revised Ordinances of Cambridge, Liber 1," and all the
ordinances set forth therein shall be re-enacted by a general
ordinance, which shall be recorded in a book, which shall be
designated "Ordinances of Cambridge, Liber 2." Other
ordinance books shall be added as they are needed, with the
same designation as Liber 2, except that the liber shall be
rightly numbered, and all ordinances not recorded in revised
ordinance book shall be set out and recorded in the other
ordinance books as they are enacted, beginning with Liber 2;
provided, that all ordinances now existing shall remain in
force until the General Revisory Ordinance has been passed,
unless sooner specifically repealed.
ordinances of
Shall be set
out in full.
Immediately after the passage of this enactment the Com-
missioners shall provide a book, to be designated "General
Records of Cambridge, Liber 1," and other books of this
class shall be added as the same are needed, and such addi-
tional books shall be properly designated and numbered. In
the general record books there shall be recorded at length all
papers and documents connected with the election of Commis-
sioners, and other municipal elections, including all notices,
all certificates of oaths administered, all returns, and all cer-
tificates, showing that the Commissioners and other municipal
officers, whether elected by the people or appointed by the
board, duly took the prescribed oaths of office according to
law; also all contracts in writing entered into by the Commis-
sioners with other parties, and all other papers and documents
records of
Records of all