hundred and ninety-nine. And on all property that in, due
course of things may hereafter be added to said list. The
said assessors in the discharge of their duties may admin-
ister oaths to parties to be assessed, and in the case of cor-
porate bodies or their associations to their officers, and they
may require such parties or officers to make and render a list
of all the assessable property owned by said parties under
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That a sub-section be and the
same is hereby added to said Section sixty-five of said Article
10 of the Code of Public Local Laws, to be in these words,
and to follow said section, and to be designated Sub-section
A to Section 65, to wit: "Sub-section A to Section 65 — The
Commissioners of Cambridge." First: For the purpose of
paying divers debts and liabilities which have heretofore been
contracted on the part of the town. Second: After all and
every debt has been paid, then for the erection of an addition
to the engine house, and then, after the debts and erection of
addition to engine house have been provided for, the balance
for making sewers, are authorized and empowered to issue
bonds the aggregate amount of which shall not exceed ten
thousand dollars, of such form and denomination as the said
commissioners may direct; provided that no bond for Jess than
one hundred dollars shall be issued. The said bonds shall.
bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent, per year.
Authority to
issue bonds.
The said interest shall be made payable semi-annually on the
first day of January and the first day of July in each and every
year. The first installment of interest shall be payable on the
first day of January, A. D. 1901, when whatever interests has
accrued shall be paid. The said bonds shall be exempt from
county and municipal taxation, and they shall be divided
into two classes, one-half of the whole amount issued shall
become due and payable ten years from the first day of
July, A. D. 1900, and the remaining half shall be payable
Bonds to bear
twenty years from the first day of July, 1900. And the
proviso inserted in the bonds which become payable twenty
years from the first day of July, A. D. 1900, that such
bonds may be paid off by the commissioners at any time
after ten years from the said first day of July, A. D. 1900,
if the commissioners so please. The commissioners shall
pay the interest on said bonds out of the annual taxes
levied for corporate purposes, and they shall annually set
apart out of money received from the County Commissioners,
or out of some other funds belonging to the commissioners of
said town, for corporate purposes, at least the sum of five
When payable