At a Session of he General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held in the City of Annapolis, on the third day of
January, 1900, His Excellency JOHN WALTER SMITH,
being Governor, the following laws were enacted, to wit:
AN ACT to give and grant the sanction and consent of the
General Assembly of Maryland to the bequest made by the
will of Bartholomew Fitzsimons to the Woodstock College
of Baltimore County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sanction and consent of the General Assembly
be and the same is hereby given and granted to the bequest
made by the will of Bartholomew Fitzsimons of one thousand
dollars to the Woodstock College of Baltimore County, a body
corporate of the State of Maryland, said bequest being made
to said body corporate under the name of the College of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, situated at Woodstock, Howard
County, Maryland, the said will of Bartholomew Fitzsimons
being dated the 15th day of April, A.D., 1898, and probated
and recorded in the Surrogate Court of New York County,
State of New York.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 13, 1900.
AN ACT to sanction the bequest of f 500 to St. Paul's Eng-
lish Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore City, con-
tained in the last will and testament of Mary Emma
Spilcker, late of Baltimore City.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
and, That the sanction and consent of the General Assembly