745E Intending competitors for appointment to said police
or for promotion therein shall file in the office of said Board
of Police Examiners, a reasonable length of time before the
date of any examination, a formal application, in which the
applicant shall state under oath:
ist. His full name and residence.
2d. His age, the place and date of his birth.
3d. His health and physical capacity for the position to
which he aspires.
4th. If an applicant for appointment, his business or
employment, and residence for at least the previous three years.
5th. Such other information as may reasonably be required
touching the applicant's merit and fitness for service on or
promotion in the said police force.
Blank forms for such applications shall be furnished by the
said Board of Police Examiners, without charge, to all per-
sons requesting the same. The applicant shall file with the
said Board of Police Examiners, in connection with his appli-