No. 722. An Act to authorize and empower Harvey H. Conway to
construct in front of his property, in the town of Cambridge, Dor-
chester County, a wharf, or shell walk, extending out into the
Great Choptank River................................................................
No. 723. An Act to incorporate Washington Camp, Number Thir-
teen, Patriotic Order Sons of America of the State of Maryland, a
Subordinate Camp of the State Camp of Maryland, Patriotic Or-
der Sons of America....................................................................
No. 724. Au Act for the better protection of otter and muskrats
within Talbot County and the waters thereof ...............................
No. 725. An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections
409, 410 and 411 of Chapter six hundred and thirteen of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at its January Ses-
sion A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety .....................................
No. 726. An Act to incorporate the Baltimore Elks Exposition and
Social Session Association...........................................................
No. 727. An Act to incorporate "The Mercantile Bank of Baltimore,"
' located in the Citv of Baltimore.................................................
' No. 729. An Act to incorporate the Town of Barton, Allegany County,
No. 730. An Act to declare the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the deed from Celome and William C.
Geoghegan to Trustees of the Lee-Street Baptist Church of Balti-
more City...................................................................................
No. 731. An Act to authorize the Board of Police Commissioners of
Baltimore City to increase the pension of Herman Heimiller, Wil-
liam J. Lowdenslager, John Davis, Jno. T. Kelly, Alexander Slays-
man, Jno. A. Walter, Joseph S. Townsend, Ambrose A. Ryan, re-
tired policemen of tbe police force of Baltimore Citv.........'..... .
No. 732. An Act to repeal Section one hundred and twenty-two of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Calvert County," Article 5,
sub-title "Roads," and re-enact the same, with amendments..
No. 733. Au Act to regulate the salaries of the Mayor and Council-
men and fees in criminal cases .of the town of Frostburg;..............
No. 734 An Act to grant and declare the sanction and consent of
the General Assembly of Maryland to a sale and conveyance by J.
Henry Judik and Lillie A. Judik, his wife, and Robert M. Jones
and Mary a Jones, his wife, their heirs or assigns, to the Keen
Memorial Methodist Protestant Church of Baltimore City, of cer-
tain lot of ground in Baltimore City, and to the holding of said lot
by the said The Keen Memorial Methodist Protestant Church of
Baltimore City in fee simple, with full power to dispose of the
No. 735. An Act to refund to Benjamin F. Middleton, late Collector
of State taxes for Allegany County, a certain sum of money errone-
ously paid by him into the State Treasury.............................. .
No. 736. An Act to authorize and empower any person or firm who
may have procured a license to sell spirituous or fermented liquors
in Carroll County under Chapter six of the Acts..................... ...